Chapter 1

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Tara's POV

"I had another dream about him last night." I said to my bestfriend Sam who sits right next to me in History.

"About who?" Sam said. She must have forgotten the conversation we had last night. I mean I don't blame her Eli was over at her place. Eli is Sam's boyfriend they've been together since the eigth grade. They must have been up to something if she doesn't recall our conversation.

"Wow I'm starting to think Eli is replacing me."

"No!" She yells at me.

"Haha, I was only kinding babes. I love you."

I call Sam babes 99.9% of the time so if I say babes its just because we've known eachother since like the sixth grade. We dated to, but then realized we were to close of friends for that. Even though I'm pretty sure I'm in love with her. But moving on from that cause she has Eli now and theres no seperating those two. 

"I love you too, don't ever say that again you know I'd never choose Eli over you."

"Okay, okay. Anyways I had another dream about that guy."

"Which one?" She lets out a little laugh.

"Thats the thing I don't know"

"How do you not know?"

"Girls woulrd you like to share what is so funny?" Our History teacher, Mr.Phelps staring at us from the chalk board.

"No no i don't think the class would like to hear about how I had an lesbian encounter last night, would you?" I  laugh because I'm usually only a smart ass in my mind.

"Go to the office immediatley!" He yells at me like I can't hear him from three rows away.

"No need to shout I'm leaving."

I pack up my book bag and walk the halls trying to find the office. Haha, I laugah in my head I've acctually never been sent to the office before. How am I going to explain this to my Aunt. I live with my Aunt Joe, I've lived with her since I was about lets say five. Thats when my parents had died in a car accident, even at five I knew what happened my dad had a very, very bad drinking problem. That one night he had way to much to drink and they had to come pick me up from my aunts. They never made it.


I fall to the flour I choose to stay down for awhile because i had just walked straight into a wall. Leave it to me to walk straight into a wall.

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