Go Karting

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We got out of the house and went into separate cars. Cam, me, and Nash were in one car. Aaron and Mahogany were in another. And Jack and Jack and Taylor were in another. I've been go karting a few times and I was pretty good at it.
We got to K1 Speed and we all paid to go kart. Cameron paid for me.
"So Cameron five dollars I beat you and ten dollars I come in first place." "Oh really? Let's make it a bet then." Taylor must've overheard us because he walked over and joined. "Nope, you're not going to beat me." He said. "Really? We'll see Taylor." I only wanted to make a bet with Cam because the last time we made a bet I lost, but Taylor wanted to bet. "Okay, I bet you ten dollars I'll come in first place." "You're on." And we shook on it. Then I shook Cameron's hand.
We grabbed helmets and we went into our go karts. Everyone thought that it was fair if Taylor, Cam, and I were in the very back. We didn't argue because we all knew that we would get back up to the front. Well I didn't know. I had no idea how good they were at racing, but I made two bets and I plan on winning them. I haven't been go karting in a while. My dad used to take me with a group of his friends and I was pretty good at it. But again I haven't been go karting in forever so I might be a little bit rusty.
The race started and I passed Aaron, Mahogany and Nash. Taylor and Cam were close behind me. I made a right turn and Taylor zoomed past me. Johnson was in first, then Taylor, then Gilinsky, then me, and Cam was behind me. I tried to pass Gilinsky but he stayed right in front of me. When a turn came Cam and I both passed Gilinsky and Cam also ended up passing me. We completed one out of the three laps around the track. Up ahead I saw Johnson take a hard left and he ended up crashing into the wall and we all passed him. Now it was Taylor, Cam, then me all battling it out for first. I looked behind me and Gilinsky was close behind. I kept my foot down on the gas pedal and it started speeding up. I was right next to Cam's kart hoping to pass him. We looked at each other and then back at the track. There was a turn coming up and we both turned left but Cam pressed his foot on the break a little and I got in front of him. "Yes!" I said. Now I had Taylor to worry about. We just completed our second lap. This was our last lap and I had to get in front of Taylor. Every time I tried to pass him he would always swerve right in front of me. I'll be able to pass Taylor I know that for sure. There was another turn coming up and Taylor always left space in between him and the edge of the track. If I could just pass him there I'll be good. The finish line was coming up real quick. A right turn came up and just like I predicted Taylor left space for me to pass him. I zoomed pass Taylor and I started cheering in my head. The finish line was seconds away.
I crossed the finish line first. When I came to a stop I got out of the kart and took my helmet off and put my hands in the air as a sign of victory. All the guys and Mahogany finished shortly after me and they all got out. Gilinsky came up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me up and started spinning me around. Then he set me down. "Y/n that was amazing!" Mahogany said. "I can't believe I got beat by a girl." Taylor said while him and Cam walk up to me. I held out my hand. "Pay up." I said. "Yeah pay up guys." Aaron says. They both sigh and pull out their wallets. Taylor and Cam both hand me ten. "Cam you're five dollars short." I said. "No you said ten dollars if you come in first." "Yeah and I said five dollars if I beat you. Which I did." I heard some of the guys oooo. Then he gave me a five. I put the money in my back pocket and smiled. Taylor was still shocked that I beat him. I got a Twitter notification. Just like I promised last night I did end up making a Twitter, Instagram, and a Snapchat this morning. It said "Taylor just got beat by @y/t/n in go karting 😂" and it was Mahogany's tweet. I laughed at her tweet and I retweeted it. We went to go check the scoreboard and it was me in first, Taylor in second, Cam in third, Gilinsky in fourth, Nash in fifth, Aaron in sixth, Mahogany in seventh, and Johnson in last from that crash he had. After we looked at the scoreboard Mahogany tweeted "I forgot that go karting isn't my thing". After we checked the scoreboard we all went back to Aaron's house.

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