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-Ravens POV-

              Bruce was having another Gala for one of his new "projects". It feels like he has one every month, at least this one is a masquerade. But I can't blame him, when you're Batman everyone is expecting something new from you.

                I slipped into my jet black silk dress, that hit till the floor and had an open back. That exposed basically my whole back. My hair was now longer than from when I was a teen, I pinned it into a low bun and let a few stands frame my face. Before calling for my car and tided my raven inspired mask that covered my eyes. I threw on my black coat before braving the November chill.

                "Miss. Roth you are looking very nice tonight." My driver said opening the back door of the black Lincoln for me.

                "Thank you Charles." I said before he shut the door.

               "Where to Miss. Roth." Charles asked.

              "I've known you for 3 years now Charles I know your wife and children, I spend thanks giving with your family. Please call me Raven." he let out a laugh. "and Wayne Enterprises building." he pulled out into the road and we were on our way.

             "Good night Miss. Raven, what time shall I come back?" he asked opening the door.

             "I will except that." I laughed. "And go home Charles I will find a way home." I could tell he was going to argue with me but I walked away before he could.

             "May I take your coat Miss. Roth." I really hated being called that, but I nodded my head yes and let the young girl take my coat.

            "Raven." I whipped my head around to see Bruce with a two glasses full of champagne in his hand heading towards me. "Thank you for coming." he handed me a glass and walked me into the room.

           "And why are we being so nice tonight?" I whispered putting on a fake smile for the many people in the room. 

           "I really like the raven mask, very fitting." he ignored my question.

          "Oh fuck you Bruce." I laughed before Bat girl walked up to us.

Later that night

           I walked out into the night with a scotch in hand. Leaning against the marble building letting the cold stone chill my back.

         "Scotch, interesting choice. Most women hate scotch." I heard a deep voice slice though the cold air.

         "I am not most women." my eyes narrowed on the tall man in a perfectly tailored suit, he had inky black hair except for the silver chunk at his hairline, it was perfectly quaffed. His mask cover his eyes not allowing me to see them.

          "I am sorry if I have offended you, beautiful women make me say stupid things." he said slickly. "I'm Jason." he extended a hand towards me to take it, he then kissed my hand. I stared at him in confusion. "And you are." he took a sip of his wine staring at me.

          "Raven." is all I managed to say, I couldn't get a read on him. "What are you doing out here?" I asked quickly.

          "I could ask you the same thing." he paused. "Nobody interested me." Jason continued to stare at me. I shifted under his gaze.

          "And you thought that you would find someone more interesting out here." I said looking into his mask.

          "Well I found you." he let out a low laugh.

-Jasons POV-

           She caught my attention the moment she walked into the the large ballroom with Bruce. I watched her the whole night, noticing how every step she took was carefully thought out. Never making a wrong move, she walked with such confidence and grace.

            My eyes lost track of her when I was at the bar waiting for my wine, but I caught sight of her right before she walked out the front door. I pushed though the crowed trying to make my way to her.

           The cold breeze chilled my cheeks. Then I saw her leaning up against the marble her eyes closed. As I walked up to her, her scent filled my nose. Licorice and scotch, this drove me insane.

           "Scotch, interesting choice. Most women hate scotch." I said walking closer to her.

          "I'm not most women." she said opening her eyes. She stared at me with deep her mesmerizing amethyst eyes. Her expression blank.

          She was sharp, quickly answering everything I said. She had told me her name, but I already knew it. Raven, the name was mysterious and dark like her. This made me even more intrigued.

         A comfortable silence fell over us. I watched as the light snow fell to the ground, then I noticed Raven shivering.

        "Here." I took off my blazer and draped it over her.

        "I am fine, but thank you." she argued handing me my jacket back. "It was nice meeting you Mr. Jason." she walked back up the steps toward the building.

       "I hopefully I will be seeing you soon Miss Raven." I said to her, she paused at the door and looked back over her shoulder at me.

       "Maybe." she said playfully before opening the door and disappearing into the crowed of people.

       "Well it is that time." I said looking down at my watch it was almost 1 o'clock. I switched my mask to my full red one the over covered my whole face, and ripped my suit off. I made my way to the fine arts museum to steal the crowned jewels that were being displayed.

       "Sorry, maybe next time." I said lifting up Ravens chin so that I made eye contact with her. Thank the heavens my voice was different due to the voice changer. She scoffed at me and struggled beneath the X that had her pinned to the wall. "See you later little bird." I smiled.


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