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-Jasons POV-

             "Really love red on you kid." I said to Raven as she stood in the middle of the room her arms folded over her chest. 

              "Where is Jason?" she asked again.

              "I don't know who this Jason character, but he's probably a bore my dear." I lifted her chin up so that her eyes met my masked ones. "Now sit and have dinner with me." I ordered. 

               Raven rolled her tongue over her teeth nervously. She sat down in the chair across form me and stared at me with a puzzled look on her face. 

               "What do you want from me X." she asked. 

              "You." I said leaning back in my chair continuing to stare at her. She was taken aback by my statement, her eyes were wide in shock. "Little bird do you not think that you are desirable?" I asked pouring wine into her glass. Raven stood up from the table and walked around the room. 

             "What's stopping me from killing you right now." she hissed. 

            "The fact that you're intrigued by me." I paused. "The fact that you want me." I grabbed her arm pulling her back to me. "You've always wanted me, my little bird." I whispered into her ear. I felt her shiver at the words. 

             She attempted to pull away from my grip, but that only made me hold on to her tighter. 

            "Jackass." Raven spat at me before slapping me across the face. I grabbed both her wrists. 

            "So that's how you want to play it." yanking her towards me I pulled the bottom half of my mask up so that I could plant a kiss on her soft pink lips. She resisted at first, but then slowly gave in. I pushed her against the wall pinning her hands above her head. My other hand dropped down to her waist. 

            "St-stop." Raven panted. I peeled myself off of her, she just stood there staring at me. "I-I have to go." she said running towards the door. 

            "Raven no!" I yelled after her but she was already out of sight. "Fuck me." I yelled sliding down the door pulling my mask off. My head rested on my knee. "Idiot." I hissed at myself. 

-Ravens POV- 

              'What am I doing.' I thought to myself as I let X pin me against the wall. This isn't right, but it feels so right. I gave into his kiss, he was rough so much passion in every kiss. 

             "St-stop." I said he backed away from me, I stared at him. I know I have to stop this. "I-I have to go." I stuttered still out of breath from the kiss. Running towards the door I grabbed my coat from the chair. As I ran out and down the hall I could hear X yelling after me, but I didn't dare stop to look back at him. I knew that if I did, I would surely go back to him. 

            I finally made my way out to the street, then I remembered Jason. 

            "Jason?" I asked my voice full of panic as someone picked up the phone.

           "Little bird are you okay?" Jason asked. "Do you need help?" his voice was full of concern now. 

          "I-um are you okay?" I asked. 

         "Oh Burns, I am so sorry Raven. I waited an hour but you never showed up." he said. "Do you want me to pick you up from somewhere?" Jason asked. 

         "Yes cou-could you, please." I was still shaken up. 

         "Where are you little bird?" I heard an engine start up in the background. 

        "I'm outside of Burns right now." I answered. 

        "Go inside the restaurant, I just watched the news about Zsasz. I will call you when I get there." he ordered before hanging up.

          I rushed back inside of the restaurant and into the powder room so that I didn't have a chance encounter with X.

-Jasons POV-

          I took off my jacket and bow tie and stuffed them into the side bag of my motorcycle, unbuttoned the top few buttons of my shirt so that I no longer looked so much like X. I waited a bit before jumping on my motorcycle that was parked behind the restaurant. Then pulled around to the front of the building and called Raven.

           She sounded so shaken up over the phone, and it was all my fault. I decided to be well, a jackass and pull this stupid stunt. I have no idea why I thought that this would be a good idea.

           "Hey Raven I'm outside." I said once I heard her pick up. 

          "Okay." she quickly answered before hanging up.

          Raven scurried out of the front door of the restaurant, holding her jacket closed trying to save herself from the cold breeze. 

           "Ah great, death on two wheels." she laughed a little before jumping onto the back of my motorcycle, she wrapped her arms around my waist and rested her forehead on my back. 

           "You okay?" I asked. I felt her nod her head yes. With that I pulled away from the curb onto the chaotic streets of Gotham. 


I really don't know how I feel about this chapter, it was kinda short. But let me know what you guys are feeling about it so far. Thanks for reading:)

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