Chapter 5

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Oh I miss yeah a little dirt on the road

I miss corn growing in a row

I miss being somebody everybody knows there

Everybody knows everybody

"Tom, what are you doing in the library at this ungodly hour?" Annabelle's beautiful voice rang out from behind me, making me jump.

"Don't take His name in vain," I muttered tiredly, rubbing my eyes.

"It's two in the morning. I don't think he minds all that much."

"Perhaps not," I sighed.

"So what are you working on?"

"Job applications, as always," I looked up at her. She set her books down on the table and shrugged off her backpack. Taking a seat next to me, she gave me a little hug, making me smile immediately.

"Why don't you take a break? You look like you could use some sleep," she suggested.

"Yeah." I frowned.

When I didn't comment, Annabelle probed deeper. "Tommy, you can tell me about your problems. Ya don't have to be strong all the time."

I covered my face with my hands. "I'm just worried," I whispered.

"About getting a job?"

"It seems like everyone wants to hire people with experience. I have so much debt, and my parents can't help, and it's just... a lot," I trailed off. "Did I make a mistake here?"

"Everything is always a lot. I believe in you. You can do it. Besides, if you never took this program, we wouldn't have met. I'm inclined to dislike that idea personally."

Annabelle reach over and grabbed my hand, squeezing it.

"Thanks, 'Belle."

"Now, I want you to meet someone tomorrow. But first you have to go to bed and sleep for at least six hours," Annabelle scolded me. I smiled sheepishly.

"Alright, alright. I'd best be gettin' home then. Call me?"

"Will do," she smiled sweetly. I gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek and stumbled off, nearly tripping over my chair in my sleepy haze. She was right: it was bed time.

The next morning, after seven hours of sleeping and two of worrying, I finally rose from my bed, incredibly tired.

I yawned as I reached for my towel, intending to take a shower, when my phone rang.

"'Ello?" I answered groggily.

"Tom? You awake?" Annabelle's twinkling voice came out of the speaker.

"Barely," I sighed.

"Go have some coffee or something. This is the least alert I've heard you when it was almost noon," she observed.

"It's almost noon?" came my brilliant reply.

"Yes, Mr. Stays-Up-All-Night-Working," she teased.

"Yeah, yeah," I mumbled. I was unable to come up with some sort of retort, or even a coherent response of any kind.

"Call me once you get some food in your stomach," Annabelle directed. "Bye!"

"Bye," I smiled back.

Feeling a little more alert, I went about making myself a bit more human. A breakfast of grits and a shower did wonders to clear my head.

A few hours later, I was walking up to a run-down apartment near campus. It wasn't in a bad part of town, but it was not in a good one, not at all. I nervously checked the piece of paper in my hand to make sure it was the right address. It was.

Raising a hand, I pressed a button to call up to room 210.

"Hello?" Annabelle's voice, marred by crackling, came over a speaker.

"It's me, Tom," I told her.

"I'll let ya in," she said, and I heard a buzzing sound.

I tugged on the handle of the door in front of me and opened it. Following the directions Annabelle gave me, I walked up the stairs to the second floor.

"Brace yourself, Tom," I thought to myself. I raised my hand and knocked on the door.

The door creaked open cautiously, and a set of eyes about half my height peeked out.

"Daisy, what did I tell you about opening the door?" Annabelle called out, sounding a bit exasperated.

"It's me, Annabelle," I responded.

"Are you Mr. Tom?" the little girl asked me.

"Why yes I am," I responded, giving her a smile as I bent down on my knees so I was her height. "And what would your name be, miss?"

"I'm Daisy!" she said enthusiastically, beaming back at me.

"Come on in," Annabelle ushered me inside once she reached the door.

"So, what's the plan for today? What do y'all wanna do?" I asked as I stick my hands in my pocket nervously. Sure, I had a kid sister, but that wasn't the same as Annabelle's little girl.

"How does a picnic by the lake and feeding the ducks sound?" Annabelle suggested.

"Ducks!" Daisy yelled, making me wince. "Let's feed the duckies!"

"Indoor voice," Annabelle reminded her gently. She reached behind the door and grabbed two coats, a big one for her and a smaller one for Daisy. I took Daisy's coat and helped her into it.

"Thanks Mr. Tom," she sighed happily, skipping down the hall and plopping down. She pulled her shoes on quickly and ran to the door. "Let's go!"

Annabelle laughed. She turned and walked further into the apartment, re-appearing with a cloth cooler bag and a blanket.

"Lead the way, honey."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2015 ⏰

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