Chapter 4

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'Cause meanwhile back at Mama's

The porch lights on, come on in if you wanna

Suppers on the stove, and beer's in the fridge

Red sun sinking out low on the ridge

Games on the tube and daddy smoked cigarettes

Whiskey keeps his whistle wet

Funny the things you thought you'd never miss

In a world gone crazy as this

"So, Tommy boy, what are your plans for next year?" Annabelle asked me as we were lying in the shade under a big tree. It had become "our spot" and we frequently met for study sessions. The May sun was warm and unrelenting. The heat was stifling, not a trace of wind in the air. Our books were left untouched on the picnic table nearby. We had abandoned the sunny table in favor of the shady grass. It was cooler, a relief from the Texan summer.

"Well, I've been doing extra courses, so I reckon I'll finish a semester early if all goes as planned. What about you?"

"I've been going part time, so I might need an extra semester," Annabelle sighed.

"Really?" I asked, lifting my head to look at her. She was lying next to me in a blue sundress, worn cowboy boots discarded neatly next to the tree. Everything about Annabelle was organized, and I loved it. She was determined, yet soft-spoken and unkind to no one.

"I simply don't have the time to go full-time," she said with a small half-smile.

"What's taking up the rest of your time? Do you have a job or somethin'?"

"Something like that," she responded with a sigh, nodding as she tilted her head and looked at me.

"What's your work?"

"Right now, it should be our econ homework and studying for finals," Annabelle groaned, and I nodded, dropping it.

I reached over and snagged the strap of my backpack with my toe, pulling it closer to me. Annabelle laughed.

"Could ya get any more lazy, Tom?"

"I could not do work," I grinned cheekily, and she sighed and shook her head.

"Oh, Tom..."

We sat under the shade and sweltering heat, studying for finals that were in a week. I groaned, slamming my textbook closed.

"As much as I love econ," I said sarcastically, "I would much rather go grab a milkshake or somethin'. Want to come with? My treat."

Annabelle smiled daintily, my heart skipping a beat, and checked her watch. "Sure, I've got time. Lead the way."

Annabelle and I spent the rest of the day laughing and playing in the park. We had milkshakes, walked by the lake, and fed some ducks. I told her about Austin and Blake. She laughed when I said I didn't want to think about what they were doing. Mama told me that they wanted to have kids soon. I didn't want my sister's innocence ruined.

"I doubt she's that innocent, Tom," Annabelle argued, ever the voice of reason.

"She'll always be my baby sister," I said gruffly.

"She can still be your baby sister, she's just changed a bit."

"She won't be innocent!" I protested.

"Will that be such a bad thing? She's not a little kid, anymore, Tom. Besides, isn't she older than you?"

I groaned, rubbing my hand over my face. "Sure, but I'm allowed to be overprotective."

"Of course," Annabelle said placidly, placing a hand on my arm. I smiled and looked down at her.

"You remind me of my sister," I said absentmindedly.

"How? I'm not exactly married," Annabelle raised an eyebrow at me.

"Young and innocent. And two beautiful women," I added with a wink.

Annabelle shook her head. "Tom, that's such a thing to say."

"It's true; you're beautiful."

"Whatever you say," Annabelle laughed, though a bit uncomfortably.

Towards the end of the evening, Annabelle and I walked back to campus slowly. Neither one of us wanted the day to end. We didn't want to be thrown into the realities of real world and real work.

"Tom," Annabelle said suddenly, breaking the quiet atmosphere.


"I don't mean to be too forward, but we have been spending a lot of time together. What are your plans this summer? Are you staying in town? I would like to see you, I think, if you would like to see me."

I froze, and she stopped walking, too. She smiled nervously up at me, biting her lip in that adorable way.

"I'd love to," I said quickly. "If you're willing, of course."

"Oh Tom, you're such the gentleman," Annabelle shook her head, laughing lightly. "Yes, I would like to spend more time with you."

"Well then, let me take you out on a date, my beautiful lady," I told her, giving her an exaggerated bow and offering her my arm. I winked at her surprised expression.

Annabelle's giggles rang out like bells.

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