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This story is always going to be Luke's POV so it won't get confusing :) also I put what day it is at the beginning of the chapter because personally I get confused when I'm reading fanfics so hopefully it helps!


Monday September 8th

I groaned at the sound of my alarm pounding in ears, marking the end of summer and start of hell, oops I mean school. I rolled over slamming the snooze button ending the brain splitting noise and rolling over.

I got maybe five more minutes of uninterrupted sleep before my mom knocked on my door, telling me to get up and something about blueberry pancakes. I swung my legs over the side of my bed stretching before going to my closet and looking for something cute to wear.

I finally decided on a pale pink button down, black skinny jeans and my floral print sneakers. Almost forgetting my flower crown. Almost.

Last year I dressed more to fit in with the crowd. Lots of dark colours. This year I've decided just to be myself and not give a shit about what anyone thinks.

I really started becoming myself when I finally came out at the end of sophomore year last year, which ended with me losing a lot of my "friends." They would call me a "bone smoker," "fag," or they'd ask me why I wasn't using the women's washroom.

My family are pretty supportive though. My mom and brothers are completely open about it, but my dad won't ever mention it. He'll talk to me about sports or something I don't really care about.

He's never questioned why I dress the way I do, like the rest of my family, it was a shock going from all black every day, to the pastel flower crown kind of guy.

In a way it's nice. Maybe he just doesn't want to think of the fact that I'd rather kiss a guy than a girl or he might just find it normal. But that's just what I hope he thinks.

I grab my mascara bottle and run a few coats on my lashes to make them pop before school.

After shoving a few books into my bag I trudged downstairs to find my mom making pancakes.

"Good morning!" She smiled, genuinely smiling.

One thing I don't get about my mother is how she is always chirpy in the morning. It's annoying.

"Thanks mum," I mumbled, grabbing a plate.

"You're welcome Lukey," she smiled, "you're just getting so old, junior year already." She sighed, pulling me in for a hug.


This was short I'm sorry the chapters will get longer :) this was just kinda an introduction to Luke's lifestyle.

I should be updating frequently (I wrote eight chapters during some of the summer) but I have school and a job but I'll do me best.

Thank you for reading my story it means a lot!

Xo Paige

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