Chapter one

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    Terra walked towards Raven High School. She clutched her phone in her hand, protecting it from the rain that poured around her. Her faded blue I survived the haunting sweatshirt was soaked, along with her jeans. Her tennis shoes sloshed when she walked, that drove Terra insane. As Terra walked she heard a car behind her and had to step out of the way.

    Terra was just leaving Claires fried doughnuts. She had the box of leftover fried chocolate doughnuts, and a cup of dark coffee. She was rushing back to her 4th hour class, which happened to be French. Terra had only taken it to learn enough French to move to France. She wanted to escape her life and family.

    A girl with dark hair and red highlights streaked through, stepped into step with her.

    "Hey Terra," she said. "Last second snack too?"

    "Hey Max," Terra noticed the cookies in her hand. "Yeah Claires was having a sale."

    They walked in mostly quiet to the High school. The solid black doors pushed open letting them pass through. Terra rushed to her locker hoping she wasn't very late, she grabbed her french books and rushed into class. Mrs. Rea looked up at her quietly and wrote something down on  a slip of paper.

    Terra quietly took her seat. Class seemed to go on forever, but the bell finally rang and she was dimissed. She hurried out to her car- a gold Sebring with a tan roof - she got in and drove home quickly.

    "Hey," her mother said as she walked through the door.

    "Oh hi," Terra began akwardly. "Your home early."

    "Yeah, there was an accident," she said nervously.

    Terra's mom Eva was a teacher. She worked at a high school, she taught Language Arts. Every now and then a student would swerve and school would be over, just like that. Terra wasn't thrilled about when her mom made it home before her.

    "In an hour I need you to pick up Covie for me, please and thank you. "

    ''Okay, whatever."

    Covie was her 13 year old brother, she couldn't wait until he could drive himself home from practice. He went to Cross country after school. Then he complained about it on the way home. She hated picking him up.

    Terra went upstairs and flopped onto her bed. She retrieved her phone and texted her friends.

   Terra- Hey
    Max - What's up?
    Terra - Have to pick up Covie soon
    Max - Make him wait like you did last time. That was pretty funny.
    Terra - No, I'll probably leave early and get dairy queen
    Max - lol
    Terra - Bye, wish me luck!

    Terra showed up fifteen minutes early and sipped her Double fudge chocolate brownie with triple the chocolate chips. They really needed a new name for it. Covie came twenty minutes later carrying his running shoes. He opened the door and set his shoes on the dash. Then warily stepped into the car.

    "How was practice?" She asked mockingly.

    "Just fine, thank you," he snapped.

    "Great," she muttered with a false sense of humor.

    Terra started the car and they began the 20 minute drive home.
She turned onto the highway, the car turned sharply, making Covie's shoes fall off the dash in between Terra's feet. She groaned then reached down to grab them.

    She leaned onto the right side and grabbed them, she sat up slowly trying to move our out of the way. It didn't work, her shoulder bumped the steering wheel. The car jerked off the road.

    Terra tried to get control, she relized she wasn't wearing a seat belt. She tugged at the seat belt, but it was locked into place, she would probably appreciate it locking if she was wearing it. The car made it to the edge of the road jolting sideways. It began to roll into the steep ditch.

    Terra panicked but Covie looked frozen in fear, his hands turning white from gripping his seat belt. Lucky for him, his happened to be on. As the car rolled Terra flew forward, the windshield broke as her body slammed into it.

    "Terra!" Covie screamed in terror.

    That was the last thing Terra heard before she hit the ground unconscious, covered in scratches, and filled with broken bones. Covie stayed in place pressed against the seat belt. He screamed and cried, in fear for both his life and his sisters. When the car stopped moving, Covie was mostly okay. Besides his foot that was caught in the door, and his arms and face drowning in glass cuts.

    The ambulance sirens roared around them, paramedics peered down at him.

    "Don't worry son, we will get you out."

    "You're going to be okay."

    "You're safe now."

    They're words didn't prossess in his head. He worried about Terra, not noticing the door getting taken off the car or himself being taken into the back of an ambulance.

    "Terra! Terra! Where's Terra?" He finally stuttered to the man standing above him.

    "She's fine son."

    Covie didn't know that the man had lied through his teeth. He didn't know that his injuries were life threatening, or that he might die before they made it to the hospital. The truth of the whole thing was that-- Terra was dead before the police arrived.

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