Chapter 2

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When Terra flew threw the windshield she had seen things. Many things. But they were people, she didn't understand it.

Everything felt slow motion, the flying, the falling, the wreck. But the things made it even worse. The first one she saw was a boy. He had blonde hair and speckled brown-blue eyes. He wore a faded Raven's High shirt and jeans. The thing Terra found weird about this was that he was faded as well. She could slightly see through him.

Then she was dead on the ground. It's funny how it works like that. You see something that changes your life, then it's gone--- or your gone.

Nonetheless Terra's death rattled the public, a big enough town to have a high school and middle school, but that was about the only thing in the town. Not many car crashes, murders, or creepy deaths in general.

Covie was taken to the hospital with a broken leg and needed stitches in his chest. His didn't talk much when he was in there, after he learned about Terra anyway. Terra's mom cried several times, she hadn't left Covie since the crash. As if she was worried he would die as well.

Several people cried, friends, family, some teachers. But time went on. Covie eventually came out of the hospital on crutches. He refused to go to school. His mom was to mournful to make him go anyway. It went on like this for months, neither of the two talking, neither of them going anywhere or doing anything.

One day when Covie woke up he was looking into someone's eyes. The were faded and blue. It was a girl, about seventeen years old. He pulled back in shock, stifling a scream.

"Covie," the voice wispered. "You have to help me."

Covie stuttered a little trying to get words out of his mouth. Nothing came, silent air driftig out of his mouth. Time itself seemed to have stopped completely to watch this moment happen. The universe was thrown out of whack. Everything was quiet and not a sound could be heard from anywhere in the house. Covie's voice seemed to have suddenly returned, quavering lightly as the words escaped his mouth.


"Please help me, I've commited a crime,"

Her voice seemed distant, as if the words were faded by the time Covie understood them. Her eyes were dull and she seemed to be faded. She was like a vampire hiding from the sun for several years, never to be exposed to its delicate rays. Covie squinted a little and noticed he could faintly see the trash piled up in his room through her. How is this even possible? He wonded to himself. She was dead, there was so much blood! She was dead! She was dead!

He repeated this to himself, as if it would make more sense the more he said it. It didn't of course, but its the thought that counts.
He shyly looked up into his dead sisters eyes.

"What have you done?" He asked in a small voice.

Her eyes seemed soft as she sighed and fingered her faded ghost-like hair.

"I've killed someone."

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