Part 2 Chapter 4

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Emily walked down the road, her dog Chester padded at her heels. She was headed downtown to the pet store, she could no longer take care of him, she had to let him find a better family.

Chester sniffed at everything as they walked. His nose was always on the ground.

He was a large, muscular, German Shepard. He had been adopted as a lost puppy by Emily.

A squirrel darted across the road charging into the nearest tree, while Chest normally would have shot after it baying loudly, he held back and slunk on behind Emily.

His tail was clutched between his legs. He dully noted that Emily had grabbed everything he had this morning. She picked up all his toys, poured his food back into a bag, and dumped out all his treats. Chester knew something was wrong.

As they walked in silence Chester got an odd feeling, like a chill down his spine. He turned his head slightly, and saw a girl walking near him. She had a faded, powder look to her skin. Like she wasn't there.

He instantly stopped and released a loud series of barks and yips, he tried to protect Emily. But when Emily turned around she seemed to ignore the figure that stood next to him. Like she hadn't seen her.

The collar pulled against his neck as Emily hauled him across the road. He wouldn't stop barking and he continued to pull.

The girl watched them leave with a wicked smile on her face. She clutched a small red pocket knife in her hands.

Chester yowled and tugged at his leash. He even managed to bring Emily to the ground. After a bitter scolding from Emily, Chester trudged after her. He glanced over his shoulder, for the last time, the girl was gone.

They arrived at the pet store and the door slammed shut behind them. A tall guy walked out from behind the counter, his tag read Hello my name is Benny. "Welcome to the pound, how can I be of service today."

"Uh.. yeah.. I'd like to get rid of my dog." Emily stuttered.

"Get rid of?" Benny asked as he crouched next to the dog and scratched his ears. "Don't say it like he's a thing!"

"Sorry!" Emily snapped. Within minutes she already hated Benny.

Benny stood up and held his hand out. "The name's Ben, " he said. " Emily," she remarked.

Ben turned and walked behind the counter, and Chester followed. It was almost like Chester was mad at Emily. Which he was. In fact he was seething with anger.

Ben handed Emily some papers which she hesitantly filled out. Once the process was done she turned and stormed out without saying goodbye to her beloved mutt.

Chester was locked in a kennel a few minutes later. The room was full of cages. Each one had a dog, a big dog, or a small dog, or a dog that stood somewhere in between. To Chester's left there was a small Australian Shepard with sky blue eyes. She looked at him and whimpered. To his right was a St. Bernard that had large, floppy ears.

Chester lay his head onto the lumpy floor of the cage. His head hurt because of the obnoxious barking from the mother chihuahua and her pups in the cage below him.

Chester missed Emily. By now she would've taken him on a walk out by the park. She would've let him chase squirrels and rabbits, and everything he probably couldn't catch.

Now, instead he lay on in a metal cage with obnoxious chihuahuas all around him. When would it end?

Ben walked in and out of the room often, he carried fresh dog food that was given to every dog. Chester of course had no intrest in it. He turned away facing the wall of the cage.

He managed to fall asleep with the barking and yapping. When he woke everything was quiet. Chester flicked his tail happily and turned around. He didn't see Ben in the office chair where he normally sat. Or had sat in all day.

A powerful scent hit Chesters nose. Chester wrinkled his nose up in disgust at the horrid, dank scent. He padded closer to the opening of the cage and peered out. Blood dripped from one of the cages and Chester's gaze rose slowly to see the dead body in the cage.

Ben's skull had been crushed in. Blood poured out like crazy, puddles had formed on the ground. Slices ran all up his arms, sending even more blood dripping out onto the cold, stone floor.

Chester whimpered and backed against the corner of the cage. He couldn't bare to see it again. Ever again. A small laugh brought Chester's eyes upwards. The girl stood in front of the cage. She had dark blonde hair, brown eyes,and crooked teeth.

She stared at Chester and released a distorted, unhuman screech.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2016 ⏰

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