Chapter 3

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Covie sat up, pushing Terra back, even though it didn't do much. After all she was nothing more then a spirit, a lost, lonely spirit. Covie's dark curly hair covered part of his face, he raised his hand to brush it out as he watched Terra.

Covie looked into Terra's faded brown eyes. They didn't look sad, that's what worried him. They looked proud.

"You did what?" He asked as he sat up. "I-" her sentence was cut short by sirens. Loud sirens. They drove past his house, several police cars, and ambulances.

"I'm sorry," she said making round sad eyes. She pretended to cry.
"I just felt so lonely. And- and everything in his life was so perfect! It wasn't fair!"

Covie stared at her quietly for a long time.

"How are you here? I mean, why can I see you?" His voice shook.
"You almost died. You care about me still! We are connected with our experiences."

He sat quietly processing what had been said to him. His sister -the murderer- was back from the dead. And she was killing people.

"Go!" He said. "I will not help you, you have done wrong." Tears streamed down his face. He pointed towards the door as he buried his head into his pillows. He hoped it was all a dream, he would wake up soon.

Terra pulled away from him. She looked hurt, as far as hurt ghosts go anyway. She drifted quietly towards the door, not daring to cast a glance behind her.

It was over. She tried to ask for help. If this was how her brother treated her, she didn't need his help. She escaped into the darkness. An evil smiled painted upon her face.

She stopped to walk into Claire's fried doughnuts, not for food, but for memories. It wasn't like anyone in there could see her!
The bell on the door jingled as she walked in, causing several people to look up. Confused murmurs rippled through the bakery when nobody walked in. Eerie silence seemed to crash down on the people like a cloud.

Terra sat in her usual spot by the window, as the people started to return to whatever they had been doing beforehand. Terra gazed out the window. Her faded skin seemed to glow in the night sky. Her fingertips tapped her leg in a rhythmic pattern, continuing at and endless speed.

As time past she lost interest and left the bakery boredly. The sun was beginning to peek over the rims on the hills, sending a hazy glaze over the streets. The cold crisp air hit Terra's body, but she felt nothing.

A girl walked down the sidewalk. She didn't seem to notice herself almost walking into a spirit. Well through a spirit.

The girl had long blonde hair and green eyes. She wore a short blue dress with small white dots and a white belt. Her shoulders were covered with a lace coverup. Brown dress-boots that came up to just below her knee and had scuffed toes covered her feet.

The girl stopped in her tracks, which was ironic seeming how she had looked intent on traveling down the sidewalk. Her head turned just slightly and she let out a ear-piercing scream just as Terra's faded image charged at her.

People -in fact the Earth itself- seemed to hold their breath as the young girl fell lifelessly to the ground. Her face filled with undying terror, her hands covered in blood.

Terra's pocket knife was lodged into the side of her rib cage. It had pierced in far enough for a near instant death.

Terra slipped into the darkness without a trace. A smile was painted on her face as she escaped. She planned on continuing her pattern.

Kill the innocent, the rest of the world will rebel against themselves.

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