My World (TheJournal)

44 2 2

Kill me when I'm alive

Think of me when I die

Dream of me in the night

Forget me when I'm gone

Tragedy is the word that I cause

So care for me no more


Well you can say how depressing this stuff might be.... and its no good anyway... So when I put this up I was thinking its ok I can deal with all those comments which say it is bad or like bull shit.

But Its not like anyone would like to read a journal of a stupid girl who just turned 13 two months ago.... but I'm going to write it anyway.....

 A Blast Into the Past

So like I live in boarding school for like about 10 months of the year And spend the Next 2 at home... when I first shifted there It was Hard..........   I left the place that I've been in the whole 11 years of My life? Yes, yes I did... And all because we had to ove to a different city and they didn't want me to study there, So they decided to send me all they way in a different continent, where every April I can go home.... Then go back there again in June...... Well My boarding school is not fully residential.. Most of them are Dayscholars... (people who go home and come back every morning for school).....

On the first Day I entered the school. It wasn't in progress. My parents were going to settle me down in the boarding.

So, we went to the dorm for my age "Babydorm" ( so not cool I am was in 6th grade/standard)

We picked a bed and then we out the bedsheets yada yada yada and my clothes in the cupboard..

There was a group of about 6 people sitting and watching us....

After my parents left, They introduced themselves to me as did I.

I don't really wanna say their real names so I'll make'em up with the names closest to theirs.

Wanda, Ariane, Sania,Paisley,Amanda and Tanya.

They were really nice and cool...

And we instantly becae friends....

I told them about my boyfriend at that time who was back home, he was nearly 4 years older than me.... I mean I was always into older guys anyways

He was my first kiss, First dance.... I really loved him(still do but i'm denying it to myself)

The week after that, he said he couldn't make it work.. The long distance was too much and he told me to move on.... He broke up with me.

Wanda, Helped me a lot during this time.. I was really devastated.. I just Couldn't believe it

Th truth was my Boyfriend was an idiot, he used to do things that didn't make sense to me

He used to make me cry, and exactly few minutes after he'd make me laugh like no body's buisness. He was mine but strangely enough it ended...

Ok so the year went by and my friends had convinced me to attend Sunday school for fun.

So I went... My school was all girl's school and likewise there was one for boys a few metres away from ours... and they used to attend Sunday school at the same place.. I can see why my friends go.. Tanya never used to stick to one guy.Never. It's not like she dated them but she kind of fangirled over them, It was kind of weird.. In the last acedemic year, she liked about 5 guys at the same guy.....

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