Chapters 24

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A / n : continued from last chapter!

Yeah I do like him.

"Shit shit I didn't mean to say that out loud!" Niall ran his hand through his hair making it look so messy.

He look so freaky hot right now. His hair was wet and slicked back. His cheeks were a red pink-ish color matching his lips.

That I so badly wanted to kiss.

"You gonna kiss her or what Horan?" We heard someone shout.

"Oh shut up and mind you own business!" Niall said to the person behind me. I turned around and it was Zayn.  He was sitting in the edge of the pool his feet in the water.

"I'm going to go get something to drink." I told Niall as he argued with Zayn.


I got out the pool getting my towel and putting it around me. I went over to the cooler getting a beer.

One won't hurt.

I opened it up with the bottle opener. I took a sip shivering at sweet yet bitter taste. I went over to the same chair I sat at before. Louis and Diana were on the other one cuddling together as they talked to each other. I sat next to them and they smiled at me.

"Why so flustered?" Louis smirked at me his eyebrow arched.

"Nothing." I mumbled taking a sip of my drink. 

"Oh come on Stella we saw that little moment you had with Niall." Diana said teasing me. "Have you guys kissed already?"

"Yeah we have."

"What when?" Louis asked. I haven't told him about that.

"Monday. Remember when you kept teasing me saying that it was a date when I was only just helping him with math?"

"Oh yeah." Louis nodded.

"Well we kissed that day okay? I told him I wanted to take thing slow if we ever wanted to date or something."

"Why are guys taking thing slow?" Diana looked confused.

"Uh they have a wired background." Louis told her.

"Oh." She said not want to ask why. "Does he like you?"


"Do you like him?"


"Stella likes Niall, Stella likes Niall, Stella likes-" Louis started yelling. Diana put her hand over his mouth.

"Louis!" She whispered to him. "Quiet down." She took her hand off.

"Sorry babe." He kissed her cheek.

"You guys are adorable."


"Now to clean up." Niall sighed.

The whole backyard was a mess. Cups everywhere and I think their was food in the pool or maybe it was something else. Everyone was helping him pick up well except for Zayn who sleeping.

"This is what I hate about parties having to clean up." Harry pouted picking up the bottle caps.

"That's what you have to do when you throw a party Harry." Niall started stacking chairs up.

"Your lucky you have good friends that help you clean up." Liam pointed out.

"Yup." Niall kept cleaning.

"I'm going to go head inside and change so I can help better." I told them they responded with a 'alright'. I went inside the house. It was very homey like. The walls were a light red color with pictures hanging on the walls. I chuckled at the one with little Niall. He had his football jersey on neon pink sunglasses on.

I went upstairs trying to find the bathroom. I finally found it and quickly got changed into some shorts and a shirt. I went back outside and helped them out.


"I'm going to head home." I told everyone.

We clean the whole backyard already. Everyone was just talking to each other.

"I'll walk you to your car." Niall stood up from his spot. Everyone went 'Ooo'. Niall flicked them off before walking me to my car.

"The barbecue was fun." I said as we walked down the drive way.

"It was." He rubbed the back of his head.

This is akward.

"So what are you doing tommrow?" He asked.  I got my car keys out and unlocked it.

"Nothing probably just gonna stay home."

"Okay I'll call you." He opened my driver door for me.

"Okay. Talk to you tomorrow."

"Talk to you tomorrow princess."
A / n : next chapter is up! Thanks again to everyone who left a question for the Q&A.
Remember to vote please.

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