C H P T 2

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Ever since the fight, sad to say, no one has talked to me. I had to think of a reasonable excuse to lie to my mom.
The wounds and bruises on my body were slowly healing, but it still hurt.

I woke up today with a slight headache, most probably due to the weird dream I had.

*F L A S H B A C K*

Everything was blurry. Well, you can't really expect much from dreams. Anyways, it was lunch. I went to the cafeteria and got my tray of food, that well, delicious wouldn't be a word I would use to describe the food served there. Once I got my food, I scanned around the area to see who I could sit with.

"Hey Steve, join us!" A boy said as he waved to me.

Without hesitation, I immediately went to the table where the boy and a group of other kids were seating. Without thinking twice, I immediately sat down next to him.

He patted my back as we started eating. We talked for long and I must say, we could talk about anything and everything. We laughed at jokes and listened closely to each other during lunch. We hit off pretty well. We technically became bestfriends, which I finally had one. The school bell rang and we had to go to our respective classes. We did this cool handshake thing before we went our ways. I had a weird feeling in my body. A sense of satisfaction. A joy tingling in my heart.
Still deep in my thoughts, I didn't notice a banana peel on the floor and BAAM!

*E N D  O F  F L A S H B A C K*

It was a pretty weird dream, I must say. The pain in my head didn't go away and I was reluctant to get out of the cool and comfy sheets. The thought of skipping school appeared in my head many times. I wanted to give in, but then I remembered about the pop quiz that Mrs Olsen had set for us today. I immediately gazed out of my thoughts and went to brush my teeth. I wore my clothes and headed out of the room.

"Breakfeast's ready!" Mom shouted from the kitchen.

"Coming!" I replied while struggling with my bag.

I sat down and wolfed my breakfeast in minutes.

"Bye!" I said as I put on my shoes. I closed the door and off I went to school also the place I call the Battlefield.

Once I reached school, I went straight to class and got my notes ready for the test. After a few minutes of intense revision, I was distracted by one of the conversations I heard.

"So...was it painful?" A boy asked.

"Nah. Not really." Another guy replied.

I slowly turned my head behind, and only to realise that it was James. He was surrounded by a group of people. I suppose he either got injured, or a new tattoo. And not long after, my question was answered.

"Damn. That's a pretty sick tat." Some guy said, giving James a high-five.

"Thanks." James replied.

Just then, I realized something.

In my dream, the guy whom asked me to sit next to him, had hair touching his shoulders too. He had similar features li....like James. I swear that I could remember the features that 'the boy' whom asked me to sit next to him, had. I gasped for a moment as thoughts flooded my head.

James asking me over to sit next to him? James and I..talking? We hit off well? A..a joy tingling in my heart? Be..bestfriends??

What was I thinking? How could this happen? I was confused and started over-thinking.

James had gotten a tattoo-something which I obviously disliked. It's such a painful process to go through. Also, he almost beat the crap out of me not too long ago and now we're bestfriends? This didn't make sense. Not at all.

What made me snap out of my thoughts was Mrs Olsen. I immediately switched off all thoughts about the weird dream and got ready for lesson.

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