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One Year Later

"So this is where all the cool kids hang out these days," Henry teased as he dropped into the chair opposite Diego. "What sort of a name is 'Starbucks', anyway?"

"Maybe that's what you should have done with your life," Diego responded, his lips stretching into a grin. "Started a coffee chain with a name like 'Coffee Here' or 'Satisfy Caffeine Cravings Inside'."

"And leave all you brats to fend for yourselves?" Henry scoffed. "You wouldn't make it a day without me."

He'd meant it as a joke, but Diego had to admit that he was right — on all counts. Henry's official title was First Dimension Acclimatisation Officer, but he had adopted more of a father figure role for the people who landed on his doorstep from the third dimension. If it hadn't been for Henry, he never would have made it through the last year alive.

"You could try it on the side," Diego suggested. "Use us 'brats' as free labour. You'd make a killing."

Henry rolled his eyes. "I thought we were putting you through college to learn something. Obviously you're not paying too much attention in class."

"I'm majoring in life, Henry," he grinned. "I'm always paying attention."

Henry leaned back in his chair, shaking his head a little, but he couldn't hide his amusement. "So why am I meeting you here, anyway? You never drank coffee while you were living with us."

Diego refrained from mentioning that he hadn't been allowed to drink coffee; anything that wasn't on Darla's diet plan was a strict no-no during his recovery process. Not that that bothered him — he had spent the first two months at Henry's place battling for his life, and if it hadn't been for them, he wouldn't even be alive to drink the bloody coffee. The argentiserum had messed up his system in ways that even magic couldn't repair. Sometimes, he still felt like a child learning how to walk again — he'd lost the ability to change into a wolf, and his speed and his hearing had been severely inhibited. It was almost like being completely human and it had taken a long time to adapt.

The inability to change had hit him the hardest; he was so used to using that version of himself to clear his head, to simplify his thoughts. Now he had to work through them like an ordinary person, learn how to deal with his emotions in a healthy, human way. He was still getting used to that, but he was still seeing one of Henry's therapists each weekend to help with the transition.

In a way, it felt like he had died that night in the Club. Georgina had helped his mother fake his death, hiding the truth from Marco and everybody else, and helped him forge a new identity as Henry's Spanish nephew, Diego Benavidez. He had a feeling that Marco had guessed the truth but as long as his death was official, Marco didn't have a problem. He'd done his job.

"I'm meeting my research partner here in an hour," he explained. "We've never met, so she figured it'd be safest to meet somewhere public." His lips curled into a grin. "In case, you know, I'm dangerous or something."

Henry smiled. "Smart girl. Well, I won't keep you. I just wanted to give you this before I head downtown. They're bringing in a witch this time." He pushed an envelope across the table and Diego took it hesitantly, his chest constricting a little.

He knew what it was... who it was from.

"See you at the weekend? Darla's cooking a roast."

Diego smiled distractedly. "Of course, I wouldn't miss it. I'll be there around noon."

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