Chapter 1

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You might think this will be cliche, but it won't. I might be the most popular girl in school, but I am not a cheerleader. I'm not the captain of the squad or the school slut. I'm just Carly.

Truth is, I've never had a boyfriend, and never been on a date, and never tried cheering. I sing and dance. I'm not it band or choir. They don't take is as serious as me. I don't particularly have something against them, they just don't appeal to me.

I am your typical blond haired girl. I do have brown eyes though. No, I don't have an enormous chest but I do have a cute butt. I do have a large amount of money. I don't buy my friends either. I have one actual friend that I consider to be the best.

Ava Santiago is my main bitch. Excuse my language, but you'll hopefully get use to it. Anyways. Ava has that flowing brown hair and dazzling brown eyes. She has those cute curves that I wish I had. I have amazing curves, hers just look great in whatever she puts on.

Enough about that. It's the middle of my senior year and it's going by slow. Not that I want to zoom through, I just hate that its lagging by. Of course college will be awesome, I just can't imagine not remembering those four years of tears, sweat, and extra studying.


It's third period and Mr. Freeny is ranting about why politics are so useless. Me, I'm pretending to listen while talking with Ava.

"How are you and Donny?" I ask, ignoring my ranting teacher. She looks up at me, giving me her shy smile.

"Absolutely perfect. He's taking me out for our one year anniversary tonight!" She squealed quietly. I was ecstatic for my best friend. Donny treated her like the princess she is.

"That's sweet. Oh shit." I mumbled. She looked concerned but I smiled at her. "It's nothing A. You won't be going to the party tonight, which means I can't be saved at the end of Strip or Dare!"

Strip or Dare is a game we play at every party. It's like truth or dare except there are no truths. You get a dare, if you don't do it you strip. I don't do the dares that involve my mouth. I always strip when told to kiss. I've never kissed or been kissed by anyone. I'm not prude, I just haven't found someone I thought deserved me. I have standards and I won't stoop lower.

"I know. I'm so sorry! I think we're going to stop by after our date though. It will be cold so just dress in layers." My brilliant best friend told me. I smiled at her and before I could open my mouth, Mr. Freeny was right behind us.

"Yes sir?" I said sweetly and looked up at him. He glared at me then hissed, "Eyes up here Miss Sinclair."

I nodded, and shot daggers through him as he went back to the front of the class. The man hated me and the feeling was mutual. All the other teachers adored me, but him.

Bell rang just before he started, causing him the roll his eyes and sigh. "I'll see you guys Monday. Good day."

I grabbed my stuff and filed out with the rest of the class. With Ava beside me, we walked down to our lockers. Everyone said hi to me, like usual. I'd say hi back. We get to our locker, put away our things and head to the cafeteria.

We sat at our usual table, right in the middle. We had an odd group that we set with. There was me and Ava. A girl named Shannon who was a nerd, but really pretty. Cara, a goth that wasn't all emo. Stella and her girls. The Rogers Twins. And lastly there was little Stanley.

Stella was the head cheerleader who was completely jealous that she wasn't more popular than me. She was a gorgeous girl with black hair and dark skin. Her girls followed her like pups. Stanley was a little Sophomore that was obsessed with me. The Rogers Twins, Caleb and Carson, were jocks. Incredibly hot jocks at that. Caleb was all football, while Carson chose baseball. They both played each, just one was more into than the other.

"Hi Carly!" Stanley gave me a toothy smile. I looked up to see his adorable face hovering over me.

"Hey Stanley, what's up?" I give him a small smile. He blushes like a little girl. He was overly obsessed with me. He's a cute kid, but a little immature. 

"N-nothing." He stuttered, still blushing.

"Sounds like a blast!" I say, turning towards Ava.

He muttered something, but I couldn't make it out. The rest of lunch was boring. We talked about Ava's date then about the party later. We talked about how many layers I'd have to put on. We laughed.

"Hey Carly!" Someone called from down the hall. I turned to look to see Caleb coming towards my locker. He was incredibly hot, just like his brother. He had on dark jeans with a long white shirt.

"Oh, hi Caleb!" I smiled, pulling out my calculus book. I turn to look at him and he's starring at me intently.

"You're coming to the party tonight, right?" He said huskily. He always flirted with me, and I usually flirted back. There was nothing between us though.

"I planned on it, why?" I said, shifting my book to my other arm. He grabbed it out of my hands and put it with his.

"Just wanted to tell you how many rounds we're playing, and not to wear so many layers." He winked. We started towards my class.

"Seven again?" I asked, ignoring the layers comment. 

"Not this time babe. 12! Looks like your layers won't work. Better do the dares." He said, handed my books back and walked off.

I rolled my eyes, walking into class. I took my seat behind a girl named Kate. Stanley walked in and his eyes instantly found me. He walked over and set right beside me. I looked over at him, giving him a small smile, then looked up to see Mrs. Ready quieting us down.

"Partner up! Finish the page by the end of class." She said passing out a worksheet.

Like magic, Stanley's desk was beside mine. I didn't mind because he was smart. This is a senior class and he's only a Sophomore. I grabbed our paper, and he took it from me.

"I'll do it, Carly." He gave me his toothy grin. I just nodded, knowing he would only insist. I slid the paper over and he started. It took him about five minutes before he finished. I turned it in, then hurried back to sit by me. 

"Thanks Stanley." I said, smiling at the naive boy. He blushed.

"It's was nothing. If you ever need help with this, I can h-help." He said, getting quieter and blushing.

"Aw, you're too sweet!" I said, giving the kid my best smile. His face went bright red, and I thought he was going to pass out.

The rest of the hour, I listened to Stanley talk about his dragons and what not. I got bored with it, but still pretended to listen. The hour flew by, and the bell sounded. I grabbed my stuff, saying bye to Stanley. I then got the hell out of there.

Next period was office aid, so I just left and went home. When I got home, my mom was nowhere to be found. My dad was in his office, as usual. I gave him a kiss on the cheek, then went up to my room.

I changed into sweats and a tank top, throwing my hair into a ponytail. I went back down stairs to the kitchen. I grabbed a water and some strawberries, then went back to my room. I turned on the radio and just laid on my bed. I went over what I should wear tonight to the party. 

'12 rounds' echoed through my mind. They add on every damn time. I turned up the radio, and without realizing it. I dozed off.

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