Chapter 3

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Leo chuckled as he pulled me impossibly closer. I kept on my brave act, trying not to show how scared I was. Leo was hot, like I said. But I didn't know him and I didn't want to give him my first kiss. He looked into my eyes, searching for something. My eyes were blank.

"Yes. I do." He breathed. I moved my hands up to his chest, giving him a light shove. He didn't move.

"Not now." I told him. He moved back a bit, but still had a hold of me. He moved in but kissed my cheek. My breath caught in my throat.

"I will get that kiss, sooner or later." And with that, he walked back into the party. 

I walked over to Ava's bug and got in. She was with Donny and to wasted to drive, so I just drove hers home. She would be staying with Donny so I didn't have to worry about her. 

When I got home, I washed my face and brushed my teeth before going down to the kitchen. Surprisingly, my mother was in there again. I grabbed a few brownies and a cup of milk, then went and sat beside her at the table. She was looking through our bank records for some reason.

"What are you doing still up?" I ask with a mouth full of brownie. They were so good. She looked up at me and gave me a small smile.

"Just checking our recipts. It's nothing, so don't worry about it." She said sweetly. I sighed, knowing she wouldn't tell me much.

The reason my mom was never home was because of her job. She's something at a place called Fairchild Enterprise. My grandpa and her dad owns that. I'm not sure what she exactly does, but its pretty hard work and it pays very well. She's always busy, usually missing everything I do. Dance, sing, anything. I don't blame her though. She tries. My dad also works there, right beside my grandpa. Along with my Uncle Kip, mom's brother. It's like a family business. 

After I finished my brownies and milk, I put them in the sink. I gave my mother a kiss on the cheek and returned up stairs to my room. I put on Dear John, since I wasn't really tired. It was 2 in the morning, but it's the weekend.

Half way through the movie, I feel my phone viberate. I look down to see and text from some number.

'Hey Carly. Its Leo. R u up?'

I smiled for some reason. I quickly replied back yes. Leo was sweet and extremely hot. Plus, he had the whole older than me thing going on. He's 22. I'm only 18. What's four years?

'Not tired. What r u doing'

'Me either. I'm watching Dear John.'

'Come 2 the cafe on elm st.'


I grabbed my purse and put in my phone and keys. I pulled on some PINK yoga pants and my dance hoodie. I through my hair into a pony tail, not really caring what I look like. It is almost three in the morning.

I walk down stairs to see my dad grabbing a drink. Mom had finally went up to bed. Dad smiled at me, giving me a questioning look.

"I couldn't sleep. I'm going down to the cafe for some late night breakfast. Want me to bring you something back?" I ask him. He takes another drink before putting it back into the fridge.

"That's okay sweetheart. I'm going on up to bed. Be careful." He gave me a kiss on the forehead before retreating up stairs to his room.

Once I got to the cafe, I looked around. It was almost empty, except a few people sitting around drinking coffee. Probably people just getting back from parties and such. I saw Leo in the back in a booth drinking what looked like orange juice. I walked back and sat across from him, giving him a small smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2013 ⏰

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