Chapter 7 (Episode 2 Part 2)

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Darkness had once again enveloped the city and many people my age would either be partying or sleeping but sadly I was in neither, in fact I was so far away from either of those things that it was frightening how routine this was for me. I was sitting in the cramped back of Stiles' shitty jeep listening once again to the plan he and Scott had come up with, Derek who had stolen the front seat from me sighed and shook his head at every stupid idea the boys had come up with, this idea was the cherry on top of the crap heap that they've gotten us both into, it was so illegal that we'd probably get thrown in jail... and if you hadn't caught on to it just yet, we were going to break into the sheriff's station and release Issac from his cell before the full moon hits it apex and before Gerard and his hunters could get to him.

"Okay, now the keys to every cell are in a password protected lockbox in my father's office. The problem is getting past the front desk." he mumbled as we all stared at the sheriff's station he was a little exited I could tell.

"I'll distract her" Derek mumbled about to get out of the car, after I'd given him the reluctant nod to go for his distraction techniques.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa - you? You're not going in there" Stiles said putting his hand on Derek's shoulder to stop him from getting out of the car, Derek stopped looked down at Stiles hand and then threateningly looked up at him with narrowed eyes causing Stiles to jump back in fear "I'm taking my hand off" he slowly retracted his hand with a small smile in my direction.

"I was exonerated" Derek said sending a pointed look at Stiles, reminding him that not 3 months ago, he and Scott had gotten him arrested and then had made him the most wanted man in Beacon Hills.

"You're still a person of interest" Stiles said with a twitch causing me to crack a smile, I was also a person of interest thanks to the two idiots.

"An innocent person" I insisted for Derek, making him smile at me in thanks.

"An - you?" Stiles looked at me in shock and shook his head "Yeah, right! Okay, fine. What's your plan?" he asked Derek who still had his door open so the frigid air could rush in. 

"To distract her" Derek said with a growl having had enough of the game Stiles was playing.

"Uh - huh" he said in disbelief "How? By punching her in the face?" he asked again and when Derek cracked a smile at that Stiles balked at the idea "Unh" he shook his head again.

"Heh, by talking to her" Derek said like he was talking to a toddler who was about to throw a tantrum.

"Okay, all right. Give me a sample" Stiles said turning his body towards Derek so he could look him right in the eye "What are you gonna open with?" Stiles stopped for a full minute and waited for Derek to say something, I or one had seen Derek flirt and each time I was a puddle of goo at his feet because of his hotness. So when Derek stared just stared at Stiles it caused me to laugh really hard "Dead silence. That should work beautifully. Any other ideas?" 

"I'm thinking about punching you in the face" Derek said to Stiles causing him to shrink away, actually thinking that he'd do that "Frey, you don't have to come in with Stiles, I'm not even sure if I can do this because she's not you" he looked at me with a sort of a pleading look.

"Babe" I said putting my hand on both sides of Derek's face and looked him directly in the eye "just picture her as me" I winked cheekily and kissed his cheek before pushing him out of the car.

"You're okay with this?" Stiles asked me as I climbed out of the Jeep and watched Derek walk away "how are you okay with this?" we quietly walked up to the sheriff's station.

"I'm not okay with this but if it helps Issac get out of jail then I'm willing to be a little bit uncomfortable" I shrugged and hid behind the counter of the station next to Derek's legs.

The door behind the front desk opened at the female sheriff's deputy stepped out "Good evening, how can I help - you?" She stuttered when she saw Derek, I had to admit he did look really hot in his leather jacket.

"Hi" Derek said with a cheeky smile, even from this angle I could tell that all he was seeing was me in her place.

"Hi" she said breathlessly back as she almost tripped over her own feet.

"Um, I had a question. Um, sorry I'm a little - a little thrown" he smiled more fully almost causing me to melt at the sight of it, he rarely gave anyone a full smile "I wasn't really expecting someone –"

"Like me?" the deputy cut him off.

"Oh, I was gonna say" he looked down at me "'so incredibly beautiful'" he looked back up at her at the end like he was being bashful "but, yeah, I guess that'd be the same thing"


Happy Friday!!!

It is freaking freezing here, I almost thought my finger were going to fall off before the chapter ended.

I hope you enjoyed that :)

~~ Katt xx

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