Chapter 30 (episode 5 Part 1)

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I tripped out of my mum's SUV and ran towards the club, my throat hitched as I saw Scott standing next to Danny who was lying on a gurney, running up to them I took Danny's other side and nodded to Scott who hadn't seen me since the lacrosse field earlier "Frey" Danny mumbled when I kissed his forehead, he was paralysed from the waist down and I knew he was scared.

"Hey, there, bubba" I replied with a timid smile "I'd hug you but you wouldn't feel it" I touched his hairline and smiled again which he returned gratefully, I should've been there with him at the club but I was too busy trying to get away from Derek.

"Sorry, but we need to get him to the hospital," an EMT said quietly from behind me making me look at him over my shoulder.

"One more question, just one. Are you okay?" Scott asked, his eyes on Danny's face who just sighed in return.

"Did it happen to my ex too?" he asked, I glanced up and saw his douchebag of an ex, crying out on a gurney while two EMT's tried to keep him quiet.

"Yeah" Scott and I both mumbled making Danny smile at us weakly.

"Then I'm great" the EMT then wheeled Danny to the Ambulance and took him to the hospital, I walked with Scott over to Stiles who was leaning on his Jee, looking more jumpy than usual.

"Couldn't get anything out of Danny," Scot said to his best friend who sighed and looked around nervously, he was looking for his dad I could tell that much.

"Okay, can we just get the hell outta here now, before one of my dad's deputies sees me?" they were about to get in the Jeep when Stiles' dad pulled up "Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Could this get any worse? That was rhetorical" he growled at the sky, making me laugh slightly under a fake cough.

"Get rid of him," Scott said looking at me like I was some hired killer that would help them out of this entertaining  jam.

"Get rid of him? We're at a crime scene, and he's the sheriff" Stiles said, clearly not noticing the looks Scott was giving me.

"Do something" Scott squeaked out before getting into the Jeep and slammed the door shut.

"Hey" Stiles greeted his dad when he got out of his Cop Car and walked over to us as we tried to look nonchalant in front of the crime scene.

"Hi Sheriff," I said in the cheeriest voice with the fakest smile I could muster, whatever these boys were planning on doing it was illegal, I could almost smell it.

"What're you doing here?" the Sheriff asked after he smiled sweetly back at me, I could tell he liked me as a daughter, mainly because he let me get away with a lot of stuff and gave me a key to their house so I could come over whenever I wanted.

"What do you mean what am I doing here? What? It's a club. It's a club, we were clubbing, you know? At the club" Stiles was floundering and it was a bad time for me to laugh so I kept it in and nodded along with his terrible cover up.

"Not exactly your type of club" he looked at his son with a raised eyebrow, I could see where Stiles gets his Smartassery from.

"Uh - well, dad - There's a conversation that we-" Stiles tried to lie but his dad raised his hand to stop him from doing so.

"You're not gay," he said firmly "neither is Frey or Scott" he looked over my head at Scott who was muttering to Jackson in the backseat of the Jeep to keep quiet.

"I'll have to tell all those girls that are going after me that I'm not," I said with a cheeky wink which made Stiles' dad roll his eyes.

"Wha - we could be" Stiles tried to keep the lie going but he had already failed.

"Not dressed like that" his dad gestured to the plaid button up, gamer tee and jeans Stiles was wearing and to my Undertale tank top and dark wash jean combo I was sporting. 

"Well, what's - uh -" Stiles failed once again to get his sentence out which made his dad sigh extreamly heavily.

"This is the second crime scene that you just happened to have shown up on. And at this point, I've been fed so many lies, I'm not sure I know the kid standing in front of me. Now, what the hell is going on?" the Sheriff reprimanded his son and I wasn't sure if I should stand here and listen to this.

"Dad, I - I -" Stiles stuttered slightly and his sentence trailed off into the ethos.

"The truth, Stiles" Sheriff growled out at his son, he was not having any of the crap Stiles was dishing out, even if it was a laughable excuse as to why Stiles and Scott were here, me on the other hand I didn't need an excuse I had one, it was Danny.

"The truth, all right. Well..." Stiles failed and looked around, he was trying to fabricate a lie that was half decent.

I cut off his failed sentence to save Stiles' hide once again "the truth is that we were here with Danny" I said shooting a pointed look at Stiles, who saw and ran with it.

"Yeah," Stiles said with an exaggerated nod he knew I had his dad under control.

"Because he just broke up with his boyfriend, so, you know, we were just trying to take him out and get his mind off things.

"That's - that's it" Stiles stuttered out looking at his dad like he wouldn't believe a word I said.

"Well, that's really good of you guys. You're good friends" he patted us both on the back and headed towards the nightclub without looking back at us.

"You know what, whatever you're planning to do with Jackson the Kanima I was nothing to do with it, you guys are on your own with this one" I shook my head and walked back to my mum's SUV which was surprisingly still there even though the doors were still unlocked.

This was not the end I imagined for tonight.


Hey, guys!!!!

It took me 45 minutes to write this and I'm sore as hell thanks to my shoulder playing up again. The shirt at the top of the page is Frey's Undertale tank top. its one of my favourite games and if you haven't check it out or played it you should. it takes me back to my childhood when game graphics were just like that and so was the music.

I hope you all enjoy this and appreciate that I wrote this while in so much pain I'm crying.

I'm also thinking about doing another dream sequence in the next chapter.... and yes I'm skipping the whole boys kidnapping Jackson episode, to me when I watched it the first time it was boring so NER NER.

~~ Katt xx

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