Chapter 8

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Stiles and I crept along the sheriffs station floor and slowly made our way tot he back cells where Issac was being held, we walked quietly through the abandoned station and quickly walked to the locked door that lead to Issac.

"What took you so long, the full moon has almost reached its apex" Issac asked in a quiet whisper as Stiles fumbled with the keys that we took off of the fake guard that Allison had shoot in the leg with an arrow, the guard was now hog tied in the janitors closet slowly bleeding out on the floor unconscious.

"Well, lets see you try to rescue someone when theres a group of hunters out for them" I growled back at the 16 year old who was giving off so much sass that i could probably beat him with it "if you haven't noticed, your now on everyone's hit list" i rolled my eyes when Stiles dropped the keys and snatched them off of the floor before he could.

"Well, whose fault is that?" Issac asked with a glare, man being in jail made him a smartass.

"Clearly not mine, I'm sorry but my eyes don't glow red!" I whisper shouted at him as I pulled open the door and ripped him out of the feel to bring him face to face with me "We can have this fight later, right now we need to get you away from humans" i pushed him away and lead them out of the station through the back entrance.

"You get him?" Derek asked through the phone as I dragged Issac towards the jeep, he was back at his place getting stuff ready to tie Issac up.

"Yes, and he's being a royal pain in my ass, next time you turn someone make it a person who won't cause me trouble" I said as I pushed Issac into the backseat of the jeep with Scott who had a set of handcuffs waiting.

"Noted" Derek mumbled there was a clinking noise in the background hinting that he was hooking up chains for Issac "tell them to hurry its almost time" he hung up when I made a noise of agreement and I told Stiles to put the pedal to the metal.

"What does Derek have planned?" Issac asked as his breathing became laboured and he doubled over like he was in pain.

"I'm not entirely sure" I told him as I turned to pat his hair to sooth him "Stiles it might be better if you stick close to me when we take him inside" Stiles nodded and glanced wearily at Issac who had quietened down.

"Got it" he mumbled as he pulled in behind my car at the station and we all hopped out, grabbing Issac's left arm while Scott took his right we half dragged half carried him to the open door.

"Careful" I told Scott as Issac began to twitch and growl uneasily.

"Right" he mumbled as we took the stairs two at a time and got him into one of the carriages that Derek had set up for Issac to stay in.

"Put him down here" Derek mumbled as I chucked Issac onto the chair as he began to kick and try to bite me.

"Issac you need to calm down" Scott mumbled getting a little to close to Issac, who smirked and slammed his head into Scott's face, effectively breaking Scott's noise. Grunting in agony Scott moved back and gripped the bridge of his nose to stem the flow of blood.

"I told you to be careful" I shrugged putting Scott's nose back into place for him when he motioned for me to do it.

"Thanks I'll have to remember that" he mumbled as Issac tried to get out of the chains that were securely holding him in place, he growled and kick out trying, and almost succeeding, to break the chains that weren't strong enough to hold him into place. he kicked out one last time and got out of his bindings, slamming Scott into the wall and shoving Derek into a row of chairs he made a beeline to Stiles, ready to rip his throat out.

Jumping into action I moved in between them and growled in warning as Issac tried to get me out of the way, grabbing his shoulders with my claws I dug them deeply into his arms and half turned into my wolf form. I growled louder then I had before causing Issac to whimper and move away from me and into Derek's waiting arms "Frey what the hell was that?" Scott said from behind Derek as they forced Issac back into his chair and bindings.

"What do you mean?" I asked shaking my head to get out of my wolf form "I defused the situation" I said as Stiles stepped closer to me and patted my shoulder as a thank you.

"You didn't just defuse the situation, you're eyes went red instead of blue" Derek said as he stood up and gripped my chin to look me in the eye.

"What?" I mumbled not sure what else to say.

His Mate (Sequel to His Girl) 2nd in the His SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now