Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

~*~JACE'S POV~*~

Carly followed me into the water slowly. "Jace!!!" Alec called from behind me. I turned to look at him and cocked an eyebrow.

"What's up?" I asked. He opened his mouth and started talking, but I didn't catch most of it because some sort of weight jumped on top of me, making me fall into the water. Carly. I swam around under water for a minute, and came up behind her.

I submerged just as she asked Alec "Do you know where he went?" Alec shrugged. I wrapped my arms around her waist and lifted her out of the water. She let out a scream as I let go of her, making her fall in the water. She came up, gasping for air. "What was that for?" she asked. I shrugged. Alec laughed from behind her, until his eyes settled on something in the direction of the shore.

"I'll be back... maybe." he said with a chuckle as he took off.

"Carly!!" Cassandra yelled from the shore. Carly took off swimming towards her, I followed slowly.

"What's up, Cass?" she asked.

"I wanna come out as far as you." Cassandra whined. Carly looked at Cameryn, who nodded.

"Okay." Carly said. She knelt down and Cassandra climbed onto her back.

"Can I come too?" Cooper asked, running up to us. He tripped when he got to us and face planted in the water.

I lifted him up and asked "You alright little guy?"

He nodded and said "I wanna come with." I looked at Cameryn, who nodded again.

"Let's go!" I said, as I took off towards Carly and Cassandra.

"Jace!!" Cooper cried.

I stopped and asked "Yes?"

"I wanna get on your back, like Cass is on Carly's." he said. I let out a sigh and maneuvered him onto my back.

"Ready?" I asked over my shoulder. I sort of saw him nod, so I took off again. We soon reached Carly, who had Cassandra clinging to her back like her life depended on it. Cooper was now holding onto me the same way. "Hey." I said when we reached them.

"Hey." Carly said with a smile. I splashed her and Cassandra with water, and Cassandra started giggling. Carly splashed Cooper and I.

"Hey now!" I said. Carly just smirked. We had a splash war for a little while. 

"Carly!" Alec called from the shore. "Your phone is ringing!"

"Crap." she muttered before calling "Coming Alec!" We took off towards the shore and set Cassandra and Cooper down in the sand, where they started making sand castles or something. I followed Carly over to the tiki bar where she left her phone. She held out a hand to Alec for her phone. "It's some chick named Gabriella." he said.

"Gabi!" she cried before answering her phone. I exchanged glances with Alec, confused looks on our faces. Must be one of her friends from back in her hometown. "Hey Gabs!" she answered her phone cheerfully. She turned away from Alec and I to talk to her friend. I got a drink and sat down at the tiki bar, Alec sat next to me.

"Alec. I hate to have to break it to you right now... but I'm moving in a few weeks." I said.

"What? Where? Why?" he asked.

"I'm moving to America because my dad's job got transferred or something." I informed him. b"But we can Skype or something when I'm gone."

"I don't have Skype man!" he said.

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