Rose, Chapter Six

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Chapter 6,

We walked slowly through the huge forest. I still couldn't figure him out, he was so beautiful, yet so deadly. Whenever I asked him a question about himself though, he just said I didn't need to know, or I couldn't be trusted with the information, so we walked, on and on. Until he stopped, and since I was walking behind him, I crashed into his back.

“Ow! Why you stop?” I asked furious.

“Shh, keep your voice down, and stay behind me.” Axle said quietly.

“Why?” I whispered, “is somebody there?” I looked around, frantically.

“Just some guys you don't want to meet. They'll be here in a minute, no time to run now, so just stay behind me, and don't say a word.”

“But Axle-”

“Shut up! Devil Angels are people you don't want to mess with.”

“Wait they're-”

“Axle?! Hey bro! It's Johnny and Avon! Who's the broad?” A guy with dark hair, who I'm guessing is Johnny said.

“Hey Johnny, hey Avon. I would tell you, but based on your lack of giving privacy, you already know who she is, and you can hear what she's rudely thinking.”

“Quite a mind on her, reminds me of a girl you knew, what was

her name? Ah, yes, Miss Drainy Bream.” Johnny grinned.

“How dare you talk about her!”Axle growled.

“Chill, we didn't come here for you, came for some new bait, the human kind.” he smiled wickedly at me.

“Wanna fight with me, little man?” I threatened, “Cause I will kick your ass!”

“Feisty, for such a little girl.” Johnny said, “Although, not little everywhere.”

“OH MY GOD YOU PERVERT!!!!” I crossed my arms over my chest, and was so tempted to kick him in the groin. What made me even more mad, was that I noticed Axle trying not to laugh, “You god damned demon son of a-”

“Hey! Don't insult my mama! Oh, and we aren't god damned, we're part angel, hence Devil ANGEL. You're not that bright, are you?”

“Hey lay off, Johnny. She didn't do anything to you,” Avon said, speaking up for the first time, I noticed how he looked a lot like Axle, only smaller, and more scared looking.

“Shut up, Avon. You don't know nothing.” Johnny growled.

“Don't be an idiot, Johnny,” Axle glared, “he's smarter than you'll ever be, and 'you don't know nothing' is a double negative, idiot.”

“I don't need you to stand up for me, Axle!” Avon yelled.

I couldn't help but laugh a little, of course they all looked at me, and shockingly said, “What's so funny, 'lil girl?” at the same time.

I laughed a little more, then said, “Sorry, but guys say girls fight a lot, you should see yourselves! This is hilarious! I mean really, correcting him on his grammar? And you, Avon, I'm guessing you're Axle's little brother? Look the I-don't-need-anyone-thing is cute when your six, but seriously, you're what like 14? Ha, you guys really are pretty funny.”

“Shut up, Rose.” Axle said madly.

“Fine, if you don't want me here, POOF, I'm gone.” I said, flipping forward and turning myself invisible, then running off into the forest. I wondered why Axle's brother was nothing like him, well other than his looks that is.

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