Rose, Chapter Nine

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Chapter 9,

My room was completely trashed! Not just normal teenager's room trashed, oh no, far worse. It looked like there had been a burglary in here. I sighed and started picking things up one by one.

I had about half the room done when I found a little leather book. I smiled, because it was my diary from when I was a kid. I pushed some stuff aside and sat down on my bed. I opened the diary to the first entree.

Dear diary,

Today's my birthday! I turned 10 today, and I saw him again. The boy with white hair. I don't know his name, or even what his face looks like, but I know he's special. He sometimes talks to the animals just like Ry. But other times he makes the wind blow like Jet can. I even saw him turn invisible like me yesterday! It was SO cool! He plays in the court yard a lot even though he's not aloud to. The guards chase him away a lot, but he doesn't care and just comes back. I've been seeing him since I was four but never gotten to talk to him. I hope I do some day! He seems so enteristing.

Bye for now diary,


I laughed slightly at how I spelled interesting. I remembered that boy, I turned the page and kept reading.

Dear diary,

I saw him again! The boy with white hair! I haven't seen him since my birthday over a month ago, I'm so happy now! I still don't know his name, but I saw his face! He's REALLY handsome! And his eyes are such a pretty color of blue, like ice. I'm starting to think that he's watching me or something! He stares up at my bedroom window like he wants to see me. So today I went out on my balcony to talk to him. The conversasion went kinda like this.

“Hi!” I said.

“Are you the princess?” he asked.

“Yes, I'm princess Rose. Nice to meet you!”

“You to.”

“Why do you come to the court yard? Most people aren't aloud. What makes you so spesial?”

I don't really remember what he said after that, all I remember is him smiling at me then running away and jumping over the court yard's wall. What's weird is I really don't remember what happened, it's just completely blank. Oh well, maybe I'm just tired. It's way past my bedtime.

Bye diary!


I closed my diary and just sat there on my bed, I couldn't believe it. Axle and I had met when we were younger. I never saw him again after that day, and I kind of just forgot about him. I knew he looked familiar. I started pacing around the room when someone knocked on the door.

“Come in.” I said not really caring who it was, or at least I didn't think I cared, then I saw who it was.

“Welcome back, Princess,” a cold, mocking voice said.

I froze. It was as if I had been teleported into the middle of the arctic, there was no heat anywhere. I wrapped my arms around myself, “You're dead! I killed you!”

“Did you? Or did you simply imagine that power? Imagined what you wish you were. You wish you were strong like your mother don't you? You feel like a disgrace, a disappointment.” he said slowly stepping closer.

“Shut up! Just shut up!!” I screamed closing my eyes and covering my ears.

“You aren't half the woman your mother was! Compared to her, you're practically powerless. You know you feel this way, don't lie to yourself.”

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2013 ⏰

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