'Sure come in.' says mr. Tadish. I walk a bit unsure up to him and show him the passport. Mr. Tadish takes a quick look and looks back at me. 'Mr. Tailor. What's the meaning of this passport?' says mr. Tadish. 'I don't know. That's why I brought it here.' I looked at my boss. He takes a look at the passport. 'This is some kind of joke, isn't it?' he say in a bash way. 'I don't believe so, the man seemed very serious.' I say a bit unsure. 'Get it checked.' mr. Tadish says and he dismissed me. I went back towards the strange man.
---- change of view------
After mr. Tailor left I began to think. How does it come that he doesn't believe me? Why doesn't he know Taured? Maybe it's little and over shadowed by the big neighbors , it should be regionalize able. And so a went on poundring, till mr. Tailor came back. 'I'd like to take a look at your files.' he says. And I hand him my papers. I hope they are good. 'Your papers seem fine.' mr. Tailor says. And I let out a sigh of relief. ' I need to double check your passport, I'll send a co-worker of mine.' says mr. Tailor after giving my papers back and he leaves again.
a few minutes later a young woman enters the room. 'Hello mister, I'm ms.Donna. Et je parle français bien.*' says the woman called Donna. 'Thank you, but I think it's better if we speak English.' I say. I don't want anymore misunderstandings. 'As you wish sir.' ms. Donna says and she nods.'Let's talk about Taured.'
Good luck
Where do you think Taured is located? Please comment
* Et je parle français bien- And I speak good French.
The man from taured
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