Chpater eleven Out in the open

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When lunch finally came around I became both nervous and excited. Dean and I agreed earlier that we would come out as a couple to our friends, for know. I knew that they'd all be cool with it, but there is always a small cloud of doubt that I can't seem to chase away. It doesn't help that Chuck's rejection was still fresh in my mind.

I walked to my locker to grab my lunch bag. The hallway was mostly empty and by the time I turned around I was alone. This was fine with me as long as I didn't run into Crowley and Co. Luckily the only person I saw was the janitor, who only smiled as I hurriedly walked through the halls.

Because the weather is overcast I knew I'd find my friends towards the bag of the cafeteria. I sat down next to Charlie at the end of the table. I set my bag on the table still wet from being half hazardously cleaned after last lunch. For once I was glad for the roar of the lunch room. I would drown out Dean and I's news. I only look up when Dean sits across from me, although I'm still not really engaged in our groups conversation. Dean looks at me and his contagious smile on his face soon spreads across mine. The next emotion that moves to his face is confusing, like some mix between questioning, excitement, and hesitance all in one. I don't know what to do and only shrug in response and try to finish off my sandwich.

Although I stop eating once again when Dean does something. To be fair though everyone at our table stopped eating and stopped talking. He had cleared his throat quite loudly and we were all waiting for him to speak. Making an awkward announcement is kinda cliché but it's better that the plan that I had which was no plan.

"Now that I have your attention I would  like to make a announcement." He pauses for effect and gives me a side ways glance before he began again. "This is to stay between only us... For now." He takes yet another pause just to make everyone wait like the attention whore he is. "Cas is my boyfriend."

The only person who stood out was Charlie, but only because she quickly gave me a hug and said something about how she knew it all along. Everyone just gave a brief congratulations and went back to eating and talking amongst themselves. I had blown this way out of proportions, why did I care who knew? It's not like it would change anything. As hopefully after a while Chuck would let up after my siblings lie for me.


Soon that day was over and everything was going good. After a week I got my electronics back for "good behavior" and was able to use them during the day. After another week we came out as a couple to the school. Which mainly consisted of okaying our friends to tell people. Word spread around quickly enough, the only problems I had was I few homophobic comments from Crowley and crew. Everyone else reacted about the same as my friends. Either they didn't care or they just smiled after they saw me or us together. A week after that December started and I was free to leave the house which meant I could "hang out with my friends more". Which I would do especially during winter break but I would also try to hang out with my boyfriend as much as un-creepily possible.

I told Dean that since he took me on our first date it was now my turn to treat him. It is. Hard though because most weekends he is either at or training for a wrestling match. Then because of wresting I couldn't take him out to eat, Dean was on a strict diet.

It wasn't until Christmas break came around that Dean and I had time off. Even though it was my turn to treat Dean to a nice date he insisted that I needed to meet his parents. Which makes sense because it's been about a month and we're only really see each other at school.I agreed because I figured that if his parents knew we were together than we could at least hangout at his house.

So here I am walking over to his house. I told Chuck that I was hanging out with Charlie and Garth so he wasn't suspicious. I wasn't worried about my attire this time because thankfully Dean had told me it was semi-casual. So I was just wearing my nice black pants and shoes with a button up shirt. I would try to tame my hair more, but anymore gel would look like I had showered in the stuff.

When I knocked on the door Dean answered and closed the door behind me. Of course I've been here before but at that time john wasn't home, and Dean and I weren't in a relationship either. So this should be interesting. I can already feel the atmosphere is different than before. Maybe it's me, or maybe it's because I remember how Mary had interrogated Gabe when I first came over.

Suddenly my stomach drops like a brick out of a plane. This all became very real very fast. I'm at my boyfriends house about to meet his parents. Not that we have anything to really worry about, we haven't done anything wrong. I look at Dean and my feeling must be plastered on my face, so he must know what I'm thinking.

"Hey, don't worry" he consoles, "when my dads here my mom is much more relaxed." He hugs me and then says. "Besides she was only so hard on Gabe and Sam because she had never met Gabe before. Also she likes you."

He was right, the only thing that felt like an interrogation was when they tried to casual bring up our sex life. Which luckily Dean and I had talked about before so we wouldn't have conflicting answers and so I didn't seem like a freak. Although Dean refused to use that word.

After dinner we went up to the dean cave. A title that that I once thought was weird, and still do. We played video games for a while although it was mainly just an excuse to be close. We sat on the same bean bag, or he sat on the bean bag and I sat on him. It wasn't long till I got board though so I paused the game and turned around looking at him face to face. "Yeas Cas," he dragged out.

"I want to take you out on a date," he raises his eyebrows at me so I continue, "we have been together for over a month now and we've only gone on one real date, and because of Chuck and sports we have hardly been able to do anything together."

was looking at him the whole time and all he did was smile when I finished talking. After a moment of thought he finally spoke. "Cas." He says his beautiful voice slightly deeper. "I know you want to take me out on a date, but you ruined the surprise because I can't just say no to you without explaining. I the next night that we are both free there's going to be a Christmas party and we are invited."

A Christmas party? This should be fun, especially with Dean I was busy the last time there was a party but Dean went and said they were really fun. Although it seems that parties happen all the time, I've just never been invited until Dean and I were friends... And then boyfriends.

End of chapter ✌🏼️

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2015 ⏰

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