Chaptee three Green eyes

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When I wake up i go through the same routine as yesterday accept instead of pancakes i eat my favorite cereal, cinnamon toast crunch.

After I get to school Charlie joins me in my truck soon after Balt and Anna leave,  just as before. She is talking about Jo, saying how pretty she is and stuff. Which I find kinda stalkerish because Charlie has looked her up on every social media site she could think of, and we can see her from my truck, but that's just because people hangout by the parking lot.

"Look that's him!" I say, interrupting Charlie as she was still talking about Jo. "The one in the leather jacket, and combat boots." I continue pointing in his direction.

"That's him!?" Charlie squeals.

"Yes. That's him."

"I'll talk to him and make you sound cool, if you do the same for me with Jo."

"No way your not talking to him. I'm going to observe him from afar. Ya know, to make sure that I actually like him. Because so far all I know is that he's attractive." I say matter of factly.

"Ugh, fine be a stalker. Will you still talk to Jo for me, I actually really like her."

"Yeah definitely. I'll be the best (and only) wing man you've ever had." She smiles and we both get out of my truck.

I'm starting to regret agreeing to this. How am supposed to do this? Talking to a random stranger is going to be hard, especially since I'm only doing it to set see if she's lesbian or not. Then if she is I have to subliminally put Charlie  in her head. At least I have all first period with her to do it.

I sit down next to Jo, I don't think she has any friends in this class so if I talked to her I wouldn't get interrupted. I have no clue how to do this, but here goes nothing.

((Cas's thoughts will be in italics for this part, because I was getting confused just writing it.))

"Hey my name is Castiel, what's yours?" I hope that didn't sound dumb.

"Hello Castiel, I'm Jo."

I new what her name was but I thought it would be creepy if I told her that, because then I would have to explain that my friend stalked her.

"Hey Jo." Crap what do I say now! "Uh... So I haven't seen you around before." Smooth you played it off.

"Yeah, well I moved here from Colorado during the summer, why do you ask?"

"A friend of mine was wondering because they find you attractive."
Was that too blunt? Probably, but I can't unsay that so oh well.

"Well you can tell your friend that he can talk to me if he thinks I'm attractive, because I like to face to face without a middle man."

Is this the right time to say it? Maybe here goes nothing.

"My friend is not a he." I expected a bigger response than the one I was given.

"Same rules apply." She said with a smirk. Then the bell rang and class began.


At lunch we were eating outside, and I told Charlie everything as close to word for word as I could remember.

"I'm impressed your wing man skills are better than I thought."

"That's it? That's all you have to say?I'm shocked, what have you done to my Charlie?"

"Sorry I know I'm acting weird. I'm just thinking. I was kinda hoping she was straight, because I knew that if she was gay then I would need to ask her out."

"That makes sense I don't know what I'd do if I actually liked I guy enough to want to take him on a date. But if you want my advise you should just talk to her like she told me to tell you."

"Yeah could you imagine it! You'd ask out the floor because you wouldn't look at there face!" She teased.

"Yeah probably."

We don't talk for a bit, because Charles is eating so I lay on my back in the grass. A few minutes go by and a shadow passes over my head. I sit up and see Charlie walking over to a group of people. I'm confused until I see her and Jo walk away from the group. I can only hope it goes well.

Charlie has been talking to Jo for a long time now and I'm starting to get bored. I decide to walk over, unfortunately my body decides that it's to lazy to move so i continue to just watch.

"If you think she's hot just go talked to her." a voice behind me says.

"Oh. A-actually," I turn around and it's dean. "I-i um she's not- I don't."

"Relax i was just joking, by the way I think she's gay." He says interrupting me. Which is probably a good thing. If I continued id make an even bigger fool of myself.

"I know. She my friend." I can feel the blush crawling into my checks.

He sits down next to me and continues to talk. "So I'm new here and I don't know anyone would you mind if I stay here?"

Crap! He's staring at me, I didn't hear what he said though because his eyes where so green. Like the chick from tangled's eyes. 

"Sorry What?"

"Hey if don't want me here I can leave."

"N-no sorry I- you can stay I okay."

"Well I'm Dean Winchester. And you are?"


"Cassy who's this?" Charlie says, eyeing me.

"I'm Dean nice to meet you, I was just talking to Cassy here."

"It's actually Castiel that's just her nickname for me."

"Well-" Dean was interrupted by the bell "well I guess I'll see you around Castiel."

Coincidentally we had the next class together. English has never been my favorite class, and know it was worse because of Dean. After his grand entrance into class I've decided that he is not for me. He was late to class so he loudly barged into the classroom and bowed profusely to the teacher, mrs. Fergus as an "apology".

Dean may be attractive, but I will never fall for him.

End of chapter.✌🏼️

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