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It was a day like any other, blue skies, green grass, the chirps of nearby and far away birds that creates the perfect melody. I look around the school room and see all the different faces and personalities. The emos, goths, preps, jocks, nerds, scrubs. They sit there all beautiful in their own way. I'm not categorized in any one group though. I'm friends with all of the groups that society divided. Its tough being in the middle though especially with the gossip each group spreads about each other and I sometimes can't help but ask if they're true. The only group that doesn't like me and absolutely despises me is the emo group. More like the "leader" of their group. His name is Jarred Killiad. I was really close to him as a child but when I started being friends with people from other groups he distanced himself from me. When I befriended the Jocks is when he gave up on me. I cried for a week straight from losing him.

When the bell rings I look at my work, as I was in my own little dream world I had drawn a little boy pushing away a little girl.. Wow thanks imagination.
My art teacher tries to question me on it because he caught a glimpse of it as I put it away and I made up a lame story about it was something that I saw when I was walking home. A story I know he didn't believe but he dismissed me anyway. It's my last year of high school and the thought of growing up terrifies me. I remember I used to cry to my mother when I was little about how I was terrified to grow up. Now here I am, a senior, top of my classes. And also the head cheerleader.

As I walk to my locker my boyfriend Dameon Lake walks to my side and takes my books from me to carry to my locker for me. He's so sweet.
"Hey darling, you look gorgeous today." he says with a gushy smile that makes me blush.

"Hey handsome, you don't look bad yourself." I chuckle and ruffle his hair with my hands.

Dameon is a jock, he's well known for being the quarterback but, he's also the captain of the soccer team and The lacrosse team. He's , like me, the top of all his classes. He's also absolutely hot! I'm not even kidding he looks like a mix between Taylor Lautner and Justin Bieber.

"How are you doing?"

"I'm good you?" I say as I take the books from his hands and place them in my locker.

"I got in a fight.. over you again. Some guy said he wanted to... do stuff to you and I couldn't control myself."

"Dameon! You know I wouldn't let anything go on between me and another guy, I love you."

"I know, I was just jealous."

He says he'll see me later and he gives me a kiss.

Besides the news of Dameon getting in a fight, I headed to cheer practice giddy as always. I arrived at the locker room forty minuets early, like always so I could get my make up, hair, spanks, and sports bra on before the girls come in, I tend to be insecure about my body so I like to get ready before the girls show up. When I'm finished I hear someone in the locker room which is weird cause I still have 20 minutes before anyone comes in here. I walk over and see one of the scrubs. MALE scrub. He is drunk off his ass, I can tell by the way he looks at me. His eyes are bloodshot and his eyes are looking me up and down.. I have my sports bra and spanks on oh my gosh..

"Hey, pretty lady." He slurs as he walks toward me. I want to run out of here and get someone but I remember no one's here. Also, he's blocking the entrance. Wait, why is he here if no one is here?

"What are you doing in the girls locker room , why are you at school right now at all?" I ask attempting to keep the fear from my voice.

"Well, I was here to look at them seeexxxyyy cheerleaders but I heard one in here and now I wanna have some fun." He says so calmly it makes my heart race and I immediately try to run past him.

He grabs both of my wrist and shoves me against the wall. My head slams and I feel dizzy for a few seconds. "Oh, come on don't try to run, you know you want me." He kisses my neck and I can smell vodka on his breath.

"Stop! Please!" I scream in hopes that someone will hear me but of course my screams of horror only echos down the hallways without a sound for someone rushing toward me from the outside.

"Shh.. when I get what I want I'll leave you be but for now..." he chuckles as he shoves one knee between my legs forcing them to open at least shoulder length apart. I try to push him but he's too strong..

"No, no, no, you're too hot to let you get away." he smirks and holds my arms in place as he slides down toward my stomach. kissing my sports bra line down to right above my shorts line.

"No! Stop! Please!" I scream again louder than the last time.

He grabs my shorts and begins to pull them. When I see him being basically thrown off of me I fall to the ground. When I look up I see Jarred on top of him. Repetitively hitting him. I'm too shocked to say anything or stop him. I pull my shorts back up and I'm still sobbing from everything that had just occurred. When he's done hitting him Jarred comes over to me, and the scrub is knocked out, and instead of talking to me he picks me up like a baby and walks out of the bathroom, he probably wanted to get me out of there before the scrub wakes back up. He puts me in the passenger seat of his car.

"Are you okay?" He asks me, It's obvious that he's trying to keep his voice calm.

"I'm- I'm okay." I say my voice is really shaky.

He realizes I'm still in a sports bra and takes his jacket off and hands it to me. I gratefully accept it and put it on and zip it up.

"Thanks." I say sitting still. The tension is so high right now..

"Thanks, for coming to my rescue.. God know what would've happened if you didn't.." I want to cry again

"I heard you.. and I .. ran and then next thing I knew I had the fucker on the ground." He says as if remembering everything that happened just infuriates him further.

I don't answer.

"What do you want to happen now? Do want to go to the police, hospital?"

"No, I'm fine.."

"Where do you want me to take you then..?" I look at him and he looks more innocent then he has since he changed.

"Home, please." I say practically begging.

He starts the car and slowly pulls out of the parking lot, "Are you going to tell anyone, about him.." He asks referring to the scrub probably now conscious off the locker room floor.

"No." I say so quiet I don't even know if he heard me. Then I bury my head in my hands and start crying again.

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