Bad Boy

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My jaw hurts and my elbows are scraped up pretty bad and they both hurt really badly.

"I'm sorry that everything happened, I didn't know he was there I don't know why he was.."

He cuts me off, "Hey it's okay, I'm sorry. I'm happy that you're okay." 

"Emotionally, I'm not at all. Physically I'm okay." I say because it's only the truth.

"Are you okay? He was going at you pretty badly." I say that as I finally take in all his injuries. He has a busted lip and his cheekbone is badly bruised.

"Yeah, I'm used to getting into fights. I'll live" He looks like he isn't in that much pain but, it looks pretty painful.

"You don't look so good yourself Anna Lee, how are you feeling?" No one's called me Anna Lee since he stopped being my friend. 

"It's pretty painful, but I think I'll be okay as well."

It gets really awkwardly silent so Jarred turns his music on. It's scremo and some rock songs and it's turned up pretty loud but I don't mind. I listen to the music and get lost in thought as I stare out the window. I can't believe what happened with the scrub, who's name I don't know but I know I've seen before. How'd he know it was a cheerleader and not a janitor cleaning the bathroom. Why was Jarred at the school when  no one else was supposed to even be there. Why was Dameon at my house. Why did any of this happen. Why me?

"Anna?" Jarred pulls me from my thoughts, the music had been turned down and I realized he had just been driving around town.

"Sorry, what?"      "Where do you want to go now? I was supposed to go hang out with my friends but if you want me to stay with you and take you somewhere else."

"Maybe I could just go hang out with you and your friends? I really have nowhere else to go."

"Yeah, that's fine. But you'll have to understand that my friends are nothing like yours. They drink, smoke etc. they're not goody-two-shoes like your friends. They won't be wrong to you because you're with me, but there might be some girls I screwed that might get jealous. I'll be there to make sure you're okay though." I feel another stupid ping in my heart but I show  no emotion in my face.


We pull up to a house that's not as nice as my house, nor Jarred's or the others around ours. "Here we are." He hops out of the car and runs around and opens the door for me I get out and we walk into the house without even knocking. Immediately it smells like smoke and alcohol.

"Heyyyy Jarred, who's the chicky." the boy with black hair named Ashton referrers to me as we walk in the room that has 6 teens with either a drink, phone, or cigarette in their hands.

"Anna, she's cool with me now guys." 

A girl with ripped jeans, a bring me the horizon sweatshirt and red converse on walks over and puts her arm around Jarred's hips and says "Hey Jarred." and then gives me a He's Mine look and I roll my eyes and look away.

"Come here." says a guy with blonde swiped sideways hair and beautiful crystal blue eyes, as he pulls me by my elbow. I look at Jarred with a worried look but he doesn't seem too worried.

The boy with the crystal blue eye's name I find out later on is Luke. He offers me a drink and I don't take it. I'm not a drinker. When I look up Jarred and that girl disappeared.

I decide to look at my phone and see I have 10 missed calls from Dameon and 43 unread text messages.

"Woah, your boyfriend over obsessive?" asks Luke as he stares at my phone.

"No, he messed up, really messed up and he's trying to apologize."

"Oh."       "Yep." I say.

"You know what? Hand me a drink." Luke hands me a red solo cup with red-clear liquid inside that smells like strawberries or something like that.

"Don't worry it's mixed it won't be so strong." I take a drink and it burns but the burn feels good. I drink a cup and a half and I feel a buzz when a hand snatches the drink from my hand. It's Jarred looking pissed. 

"What are you doing?" I ask him

"I was about to ask the same thing." he says, his eyes referring to the cup.

"I'm allowed to drink if I want to you're not my mother and I've had a pretty shitty day just give it to me." I reach for it and he holds it away from me

"No, you don't drink and you don't wanna become a drinker Anna, we're leaving now."

"Hey, come on just let her let loose it's not like your boyfriend Jarre." Luke says.

Jarred gives him a look that scares both me and Luke but he just walks away with my drink and Luke grabs me another. After 5 minutes and another cup later I get up to find Jarred. When I get up I stumble a little and everyone is playing a stupid strip poker game that I thankfully declined to play.

When I walk to a set of stairs I stumble and almost fall when a boy that looks almost if not already as drunk as me. I noticed him from when me and Jarred first walked in, it's Ashton. We laugh and I let him walk me to a room that he swears is where Jarred is.

When he opens the door Jarred is with that girl..

"Anna!" he says when he sees me, then he shoves the girl off that was just straddled on his lap and making out with him she's now on the ground and glaring at me.

"I'm.. I'm sorry I'm just gonna.." I walk away and attempt to run down the stairs but I fall at the end. I hear Jarred's footsteps and I don't understand why I'm so upset. He's with her obviously and I'm with Dameon what has gotten into me..? 

I get up and fling open the door. I have no idea where I'm going but I just wanna be away from Jarred. I start running down the street and I know he's behind me cause he screams my name but I ignore him. I feel the what used to be a ping in my chest like a knife and I don't know why. My face is hot and I realize I'm crying. Jarred's hand wraps around my bicep and he whirls me around.

"Where are you going? You don't even know how to get home.. What's wrong?"

"I don't know!" I'm yelling and I still don't know why.

"Was it cause me and Ashley?"

"So, the slut has a name."

Both Jarred's and my jaw drop. I can tell I not only surprised myself with my choice of words but him also.

"Woah Anna, what the hell, are you jealous or something?" 

"No of course not. Like you said you could never like me and I could never like you it's just how our social life works.." His face looks like he just figured everything out and I start to cover my face with my hands.

"Anna, do you-"

"No of course I don't." I say before he finishes his sentence.

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