Chapter 1

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It like any other Saturday. I was sitting on my friend's grass in front of her house with her just hanging out. We lived across the street from each other which was awesome because we hung out ALL the time.

"Okay Lisa, but if you had to date anyone in our grade, who would it be?" my best friend, Rebecca, asked.

"Bec, you know my answer. There are literally no decent guys in our town in our grade!"

We lived in a small town in Ontario, Canada called Aron. I moved her when I was 11 from Toronto and I've lived here for 6 years. I really like it here, all my best friends live 2 minutes away from me and it was amazing! Honestly, what more I ask for?

"Then what about older guys?" Becca asked.

"How much older?"

"A year older than us. So 18."

"There's this guy who's older than us. His name is Jesse, have I shown you pictures of him?" Jesse was this really hot guy who was a year older than me. If you picture the hottest guy you know and multiply it by 100! He is over 6 feet tall and he is beyond gorgeous.

In the corner of my eye, I saw a U-Haul turn the corner onto my street and park in the driveway of the house next to mine.

"Looks like we've got a new neighbour. Let's go introduce ourselves." I say to Becca.

"Ugh, you go. I'm so comfy!" she groans and rolls on the grass.

Suddenly we heard barking. We both look up and see a little miniature collie (see picture) running towards us. The dog jumped onto me and started licking my face.

"Hope! Hope! Get off of her!" an unfamiliar voice said. "I am so sorry about that, she's only a puppy so she doesn't really know what's good and what's bad yet" he says with a chuckle. The boy picked up the dog and held onto her.

"It's not a problem. She's really cute!" I say petting Hope.

"I'm Andrew, me and my family just moved into the house right across the street. Uh, 23." Andrew said pointing at the house across the street.He really was a sight to see. Brown hair quiffed up just right, sparkling blue eyes and his jawline! Oh my god, his jawline was created by God himself! He was so perfect!

"Hi, I'm Rebecca. I live right here."my best friend said with a chuckle.

"And you?" he asked, looking at me.

"I'm Lisa, I actually live at 21, right beside you."

"Really? So I guess we're neighbours!"

"Yeah, I guess we are." I said

"Well I've gotta start unpacking the truck, but I'll see you guys around."

"Okay, bye Andrew!" Becca
and I said simultaneously.

After Andrew was gone, I looked at Becca, but said nothing.


"Damn it! Umm, double dibs?" I tried to save my dibs.

"You can't double dibs, that's not a thing." Becca bragingly explained.

"... you're right"

"I know I am. Come on, let's go inside and get ice cream!"

As we walked into her house, I just had a feeling that we'd be seeing a lot of Andrew pretty soon.

So this was the first chapter of my new story! I hope you guys liked it. It's a little rough right now but I will fix it up. More to come for this story! -Louissa

Oh yeah, I'm not sure how to get rid of the music in the first paragraph. So just ignore it

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