No Strings Attached - The Confessions

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[Author's Note]
Wow! It's been a hot minute since I delved into the world of the Alonso's but I'll give it my best shot to keep up with our handsome, steamy lawyer Riccardo and the siren in red bottomed heels, the lovely Ms. Kimberley.

So, I've been looking back on my time writing No Strings Attached, which seems like a lifetime ago, and I thought I could give you guys a few of the unseen bits from NSA that you didn't know beforehand! Yaaaay? Yaaaay!

Here goes nothing! I hope you at least somewhat enjoy the facts I can remember from moments past!

For now, with love,
- B. 'xo

NO STRINGS ATTACHED - Things You Didn't Know Before

1) I first started writing NSA with no idea that I was going to turn it into a novel.

Yes, that's absolutely right, no idea whatsoever. I was quite young and had never written anything longer than a few silly little stories that I'd make up in my free time, but sitting on a beach in the Caribbean, I was bored and decided to start typing some things out on my keyboard and just like that No Strings Attached was born!

2) The names Riccardo and Kimberley came from another novel I'd read at the time.

Don't ask me which because I can't remember! Yeah, I wasn't used to this whole novel thing and character names weren't exactly my forte so I borrowed them. Oops! 😉

3) Kimberley originally had mixed heritage.

I wanted to make a character who was just like me! But I don't know, I guess Kimberley isn't like me in personality at all so I just modified her to a Caucasian Californian! We already have a tanned Puerto Rican god on our hands too!

4) There was an R Rated Version once.

Yes, yes, I am actually ashamed to admit that I eeeeep tried my hand at that... thing without knowing anything about it and ironically still not knowing much even today XD.

Safe to say, it actually bombed, like seriously I wanted to cry with every single word I wrote. So I can leave it unsaid that the idea went straight from Wattpad in about a week to my Recycling Bin where it belonged. :)

5) I actually dislike the storyline.

Call me critical, but when I look over my old work I physically cringe. This is why I edited NSA quite a bit a couple of years after finishing. I didn't want to take the whole thing down, because I've amassed quite a few reads for someone who doesn't do this properly and was so young, but I edited some of the abominable dialogue and particularly some of the last scenes so you could see Rick and Kim's true characters. There is so much left unsaid and I'm usually a perfectionist, but with this one I have to let sleeping dogs lie and accept the fact that I have received a fair amount of positive feedback so I guess I might be doing something right---ish!

6) Sometimes, I want to slap Kimberley in the face. #PEACE

I know she's my creation and all, I control what she says, does and feels, but damn do I hate her sometimes! Ughhh she's so stupid forgiving Rick and going back to him after he messes up like seriously. When she forgives him for cheating with Sofia, you guys were literally venting your anger at the keyboard and I was cheering along with you. Wake up and smell the coffee Kimberley! FORREAL.

7) Cherri is named after a Cherry Bakewell I was eating whilst writing the final scene.

This is a terrible, terrible confession but as I already said, character names are totally not my thing! Also, I pick out the cherry from my cherry Bakewell because ain't nobody got time for squidgy cherries honey.

8) Kimberley's sisters are modelled after Keeping Up With The Kardashians.

The letter K ring any bells? Character names. I repeat. Not. My. Thing.

9) Tessa McDowell was an unplanned plot motivator.

I seriously couldn't think of anything else to get the story where I wanted it to be, so I thought by introducing a hot, younger woman into the picture it would tempt Rick and expose him for his hoeish (yes, I realise that isn't a word) behaviour. And it did :)

10) No Strings Attached was fuelled by people telling me that I should be an attorney.

Okay, so I was young then but everywhere I went people would tell me that they could totally see me in a courtroom. I didn't see it, but I thought I could explore it by writing about it! I had no idea so most of the dialogue surrounding law is living on a wing and a prayer, but I might sort that out now I have a bit more booksmarts if ya know what I mean.

11) I started writing All's Fair in Love and Law before I finished No Strings Attached.

I didn't have Cherri's name but I had Jake's and I knew I wanted it to surround the male characters of NSA particularly Riccardo as a father and fully fledged husband as well as a shock factor of having Ryan Drake making an appearance too [SORRY THATS A BIT OF A SPOILER BUT CHECK OUT AFILAL IF YOU HAVENT ALREADY]

12) [BONUS CONFESSION] I set No Strings Attached in New York because, you know, GOALS AF.

New York is like my freaking dream destination I've always loved the look of the place and was lucky enough to visit it last year. To me it's really amazing, especially as I went in a really festive time in the run up to Thanksgiving. It was really beautiful and an unforgettable time and I'd love to make that trip across the Atlantic and go again!

So, that's it guys! The deepest darkest secrets from my brain with regards to NSA! I hope you guys enjoyed flicking over my very random thoughts. This is not edited so excuse any weird part of me you may find particularly as it's nearly midnight as I'm writing this and well, I'm tired.

Once again, I close the chapter on my first ever babies Riccardo and Kimberley! I shall miss them!

Thank you all for your support since I first published this, it means the world. Yeah, it's not the greatest thing I've ever written but I resolved not to take it down because it shows me where I've been. AND I KNOW WHERE I'M GOING. Sorry, you've got bit of a musical theatre freak on your hands. But seriously, from the bottom of my heart I appreciate you all! You rock!

Ciao boobears! Until the next time!

- B. 'xo

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