Part 15 : No Strings Attached

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Kimberley’s P.O.V.

Riccardo Alonso was running rings around me. And the funny thing is, I was letting him!

I was overawed, enthralled, completely in his spell, there was no possible way that I could escape. I had never been like this with anyone before. Hell, I'd hardly had a boyfriend before. But Riccardo Alonso was special, Riccardo Alonso was perfect... Riccardo Alonso was mine.

He was the master of his own destiny. He could have absolutely any woman in the world, and he had - although that was not something I liked to dwell on. But he chose me, little old me, a girl who thought she would never get a man, destined to spend her days alone. That's exactly why I threw myself into my work. It was important that I made sure I was at the top of my trade by the time I was 30. I had always been independent and that's the way it would stay.

There was always the possibilty of falling in love, I mean, I wasn't a virgin before I met Riccardo, but no man had the ability to make me feel cherished in such a short space of time, and I mean a short space of time.

We'd known each other for less than a year and yet I could see a future with this man. A future I'd never even thought of before.

I loved him.

I really did. And it scared me.

I loved him with everything I had, and I'd do anything to keep it that way. I had fallen for him a long time ago and there was no way I would ever get back up.

His smile, his smooth skin, the dimple in his cheek.... I loved everything about him, he made me feel like I was walking on the clouds, but I couldn’t ever fall. He made me feel.... beautiful... I had never felt truly beautiful before...

 He made me feel, like a little girl again. Like nothing could ever tear us apart, like life was... the best it had ever been.

In actual fact, it was.

I'd been brought up very well, my parents were the best anyone could ask for, but my social life had always been lacking. I'd prefer to bury myself head deep in books. It started off as Green Eggs and Ham and progressed to Pre-Law.

The kids made my life a living hell. I was the stereotypical geek and everyone knew it. FOUR EYES became BITCH but no matter how much it hurt, I tried so hard to ignore it. I knew that something bigger was waiting for me and my dream was New York.

I came back in 10th Grade as a completely different girl, new hair, new makeup, new look, then the names stopped, the bitches stopped bitching, the haters stopped hating and Kimmy Scott was completely forgotten. It was Kimberley, Kim, or nothing at all. I became head of the school yearbook, head of school council, head cheerleader. I was the all- American girl. All of my past life was forgotten, tucked away in cardboard boxes in my parents loft.

Nobody knew about my past, only my parents, and no one was ever going to know. Riccardo would be absolutely disgusted by what I used to be and he would start to question why he fell for me in the first place.

Looking in the mirror I inspected myself. The gold sparkly bodycon dress skimmed the curves that I had, nipping in my waist. My makeup was the same signature style I always had. Long lashes, shaped brows and red lips. My heels were high, Gucci, six inches and one of my favourite pairs.

I was ready. I was the person I'd always wanted to be.

And Riccardo would never need to know the scared, lost little girl I'd always been. 

Not for anything....

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