Part 4 : No Strings Attached

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If it had been any other day, Kimberley would have kicked off her shoes, stretched out and read some kind of 'trashy' magazine telling readers the lives of various celebrities in depth, half of it being absolutely false, causing various singers, writers, dancers and talent show judges to go into social turmoil and put on a large amount of weight or drop to 4 stone. 

But as you can already gather, this was by no means an ordinary day. She had to maintain professionalism of the highest quality especially because of her company.  Never in a million years would she have expected she would've met the infamous, sexy as hell Riccardo Alonso. She knew that he was the most desired bachelor in the United States of America, his power, his money, his charm, all of it made women's panties drop at a mere smile.

From experience, she had learnt that contacts were key and if she had Riccardo Alonso in her black contacts book, things would be looking up in the world of law. Kimberley's thoughts were interrupted by a new conversation about to take place in the 4ft by 5ft lift.

"Don't you think we should call someone?" Bob asked, "Does anyone have a mobile phone?"

Kimberley sighed rolling her eyes, "Are you actually that stupid?"

Bob folded his arms in protest, his sagging and wrinkly arms covering the large ketchup stain on his white ribbed vest top, "Well, at least I have some sort of idea unlike the silence I've been hearing for the last however many minutes, excuse me for coming up with something sensible."

"Is it sensible though?" Kimberley asked, "Is it really? Look, I really don't want to have this argument with you right now, I don't even want to be in this lift right now, it's hot, sticky and frankly my hair feels like it's about to explode, so I'm not taking advice from someone who sells hot- dogs! Now are we all completely understood?"

Everyone nodded looking away.

Bob continued to express his anger to the situation posed to all of them in the lift at that present moment in time, but seeing Kimberley's agitated face, he retreated, "I thought it was very sensible..."

Kimberley proceeded to stand up whilst rummaging through her black Gucci purse. A few seconds later her hand re-emerged, now holding a BlackBerry. She tapped on it several times before showing everyone the screen.

 All of their eyes immediately drew to the NO SIGNAL in bold print on the right hand side of the screen.

Kimberley turned off her phone and slipped it back into her purse, "I rest my case." she said before sitting back down on the lift floor, attempting to cross her legs in the most lady-like fashion that was possible in the limited space available

Riccardo rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, walking over to the lift button and pressing a raised green switch with a bell on it.

"I've called help." he smiled and Kimberley knew that he had a sense of pride, accomplishment and achievement from the tone of his voice.

Arrogant b*stard.

Suddenly a voice came through the small speaker which was situated underneath the green button, everyone was startled and turned to face in the direction of the noise, wide eyed and bushy tailed.

"The Ivy Hotel Help Services, how may I help you?"

Rick answered in a cool, calm and collected voice,

"I'll have a large deep pan, cheese, pepperoni, pineapple, olives and... Kimberley, what topping do you want?"

Kimberley stood up and pushed Riccardo out of the way. It was difficult for her to contain her irritation. She'd always loathed confined spaces and this wasn't helping her stress levels in the slightest, the volcano of her thoughts waiting to erupt.

"Look, lady." she said in annoyance, "We've been stuck in this lift for over an hour now and you mean to tell me that you haven't picked up on your machinery or whatever that this lift is  absolutely NOT in operation.  Who do you think we are? I'll have you know that Riccardo Carlosito Alonso is in this lift right now and he is most definitely not pleased. Why, I have a right mind to call the police and charge you with neglection!"

"You mean the founder of The Alonso Advocate Corporation?" the voice replied sheepishly, "One of our key sponsors..."

"Your damn right it is." Kimberley said in an irritated tone, "So what will you do now?"

"We'll get our technicians on it right away Miss....I'm sorry I didn't catch your name."

"That's because I wasn't giving it out."

"As I said Miss, we'll get on it right away. Good bye."


"Damn right you will." replied Kimberley

She turned around to meet the applause of her fellow companions as they congratulated her.

Riccardo raised his eyebrows, "Why Miss Scott, I've never seen anyone argue as well as you did, especially as seductively as you did."

Kimberley laughed, " know."

Riccardo grinned at her remark, "A lawyer did you say? Well, Miss Scott, how would you like to come and work for me as my assistant executive attorney at AAC?"

Kimberley raised her eyebrows, "Me? Executive attorney at AAC? Why Mr Alonso, I..I don't know what to say. Thank you for the offer, of course I'll have to leave my current position... serve my notice, but that shouldn't be a problem Sir. It's an amazing opportunity, I couldn't turn you down."

Kimberley was overcome. She'd been looking for a way to escape the firm for what seemed like forever and now, here was an opportunity. An executive attorney? Whatever it was it sounded as fancy as hell and working for The Alonso Advocate Corporation would work wonders for her CV.

Riccardo smiled, "Please, Miss Scott, there's no need for such formality. Call me Rick."

"Okay, Mr Alonso."

"Rick." Riccardo corrected

"Rick." Kimberley repeated

As the lift slowly creaked upwards and Riccardo and Kimberley became lost in each other's eyes, they both realised that this was becoming a far from stereotypical day. 

And somehow, something, somewhere, was changing...

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