-*= 11 =*-

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{ - *fights off the mob trying to tie me to a stake and burn me* I know, I know, I'm sorry! I just lost my motivation, but I know you want an update, so here you are! - }

-= Bella =-

Rosalie and I walked into Splat's Smoothie's and we went to the front counter.

"Hey, Bella! Hey, Rose!" the cashier, Alice, greeted us. We have all been friends since high school, but since Alice got this job and a boyfriend, we barely see her anymore.

"Hey, Alice," Rose and I greeted her.

"The usual?"

"The usual!"

Alice turned and darted off to the side where all of the smoothie making supplies was and told a girl with curly red hair and blueish green eyes what to make. The girl nodded with a smile, and prepared our smoothies.

I pulled out a ten dollar bill from my pocket and slid it onto the counter, and as Alice put it in the register our smoothies were placed on the counter.

I thanked the girl before turning and walking to our usual window table.

"Which one is mine?" Rosalie asked, eyeing the styrofoam cups.

"Probably the one labeled 'Rosalie's Raspberry Rocker', don't you think?" I asked her, sliding her cup and a straw across the table towards her.

Alice was great friends with the owner, so she was able to name our favorite smoothies after us. Mine was 'Bella's Blueberry Bash'.

I tore the wrapper off of the straw and stuck it in the lid of the smoothie before taking a big sip.

"Mmmm," Rosalie and I hummed together.

"This is-"

"Amazing." I finished.

"Glad you like it," a voice made me jump, and I turned to see the girl who was preparing our smoothies. Her name tag read 'Victoria'.

She smiled warmly at us before taking our wrappers for us, and we just stared at each other curiously.

"She does know this isn't a restaurant, right?" Rosalie asked me. I shrugged and took another sip.


"So, what do you want to do now?" Rosalie asked me when we got back to the house.

"I'm not sure." I shrugged.

"I want to see Emmett again," Rosalie admitted, and I grinned devilishly.



I immediately took my phone out of my pocket and looked for Edward's contact. He had given it to me when we met up for the first time.

'Rose missed Emmett, we gotta get them together!' I typed and, hitting send, I shoved my phone back into my pocket and drug Rosalie up to the room to 'study my lines'.


{ - Sorrys it's short, I'm really short on ideas. Bai!!! - }

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