Chapter 3

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Dean walked into his room after fixing Jenna's car and saw Cas talking to Sam.
"So what's so important that you nearly almost let that girl see you appear out of thin air?" Dean asked, setting his bag down.
"My apologies. I came to warn you about an increased number of vampire and demon attacks that have been happening in this town," Cas explained.

"Yeah, that's why we came here actually. We drove over to a police station about an hour ago and everyone in there was slaughtered. They were all demons...there's probably other hunters here," Sam said as he got his lap top from a bag.

"Well be careful, they seem to be getting stronger. Was that girl anyone special? There's something about her...I don't know," Cas asked.
"She's just a girl. Just met her today," Dean explained.
"I feel like I know her or something... it's a strange feeling," Cas mumbled.
"I think what you're trying to say is that you're attracted to her," Dean smirked.
"Human emotions are strange. Well I'm gonna go now. Be careful," He said before he disappeared.

"What was all that about?" Sam asked as he typed.
"I never know what goes on through his head," Dean shrugged and got a beer from the fridge.

The next day, Tori and Jenna were eating lunch while Tori was trying to find any cases on her lap top.
"Found something," She spoke up after a few minutes.
"Let me hear it," Jenna looked up from her plate.
"Well it kinda sounds like there's vamps all over the place but there's this small library, like extremely small, and some of the people that go in there don't come out. It's usually mainly someone that goes in alone."

"Well, we can take a drive over there and check it out. I say you go in and be your nerdy self just looking at books and I'll go in through the back," Jenna said, eating a bag of chips.
"Sounds good, I'm gonna get ready," Tori closed the lap top and went to get changed.

Little did they know that Sam was looking at the same case.
"Got something, vamps most likely. At a library. Not a lot of people go to it, so that makes it perfect to not be noticed," Sam explained.
"Great, not a problem," Dean said, sitting across from him.

Tori and Jenna waited a little longer until it slightly started to get dark so that the chances of someone being there were slim. Jenna pulled out of the lot and drove over to the library. She dropped Tori off in the front, and drove around to the back.

Tori was wearing pants with a side pocket long enough to hide a small machete. A bell rang as she opened the door and she casually walked over to one of the shelves.
"Good afternoon, anything in particular you're looking for?" A man greeted her.
"Oh just looking for anything interesting," She responded and picked up a book. The man smiled and went over to stock the shelves in a different section.

A couple of minutes later, Dean pulled up in the Impala. Sam went through the front door while Dean walked around the back. Tori looked at the door when the bell rang and saw Sam walking in.
'Crap' Tori thought to herself. She didn't want Sam to have to be involved in this.

"Oh hey," Sam came over to her and smiled.
"Hi," Tori smiled back, "Funny you being here at the same time."
"Haha yeah, I just love to read. Needed to find something new," Sam said as he browsed the books.
"So what kind of stuff do you like to read?" He looked over at her.
"Mainly horror and mystery...anything else that seems good," She answered.

While Tori and Sam talked, Jenna parked behind the building and opened the trunk of her car. She lifted up the bottom and revealed a stash of guns and knives. As she was trying to find a machete, someone came up behind her. She heard them and grabbed a gun.

But when she turned around, she saw Dean standing there and he put his hands up.
"What are you doing here?! Are you following me?" Jenna raised her voice.
"Whoa, put the gun down! I'm a you," He said and nodded his head to the trunk of her car.
"Proof," She asked, lowering the gun.

Dean pulled at the collar of his shirt and showed her his anti-possession tattoo.
"Yup, I'm assuming you're here about the vamp case? Can't believe you're a hunter, is Sam one too?" She asked.
"Yeah, he went through the front. I'm gonna take a guess and say that Tori also went in the front," Dean said.

"Yeah, and I'm taking the back. You coming?" She asked as she found the machete and locked the trunk.
"Right behind ya," He replied, pulling out his own.

Sam had gone to another section of the library and looked around for the vampires. While Tori looked at a book, a hand gripped her shoulder and shoved her into the shelf.
"Two hunters, must be my lucky day," The man from earlier showed his fangs while she fumbled for her machete.

Before she could get it though, Sam had ran up and chopped off his head.
"Two hunters? You're a hunter?" Sam asked as he flicked the blood off the blade.
"Thanks and yeah I am," She said, brushing off her sleeve.
"And you and your friend killed the demons at the police station didn't you?" He asked.
"That'd be us," She smirked. A few seconds later, the backdoor busted open and three more vamps came in.

Two of them went to Tori and she killed the one, but the other tackled her to ground. She fell on a pile of books before driving the blade into his neck and cutting his head off. Sam killed off the other one and he grabbed Tori's hand to pull her off the ground.
"Are you okay?" He asked her.
"I'm fine," She lightly smiled.

Dean and a vamp suddenly busted through the back door as he sliced through his neck. Jenna had taken a set of steps in the back of the building and was on the second floor. She killed one vamp on the steps and continued on. She entered a room and was suddenly pushed into a wall by two vampires.

The machete fell out of her grasp while pressure was put on her shoulders. She got her one hand free and punched the one straight across the face.
"Oh you'll regret that. I'll take care of that hand," He said, taking her wrist and snapping it. She screamed as she felt the bone break.

"You asshole! I'm right handed!" She yelled and struggled in his grip. Suddenly both of the vamps dropped to the floor and behind them, Cas appeared and had both his hands against their heads. Jenna moved away from their bodies, holding her broken wrist.

Cas came over to her and gently took her wrist from her.
"W-who are you?" She looked up at him.
He looked at her and responded, "I'm angel of the lord."

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