Birthday Wishes

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Chapter 06:
Birthday Wishes


Running errand after errand, I finally arrive at my parent's house. After a long stressful day, it's nice to just come back home to where you grew up. The trouble isn't over just yet, I have a whole birthday party to plan for.

I sigh, nervously," Are you ready?" I turn to face Bellamy, watching his eyes travel around the scene of the huge house in front of us. The tall, modernized mansion comes as a surprise to him.

He smiles," It's really nice to see where you grew up, I get to see a part of your world."

I hit his shoulder, laughing," You're such a dork, let's go. I'll grab the box of streamers and supplies, you can tackle the balloons and heavy tables." I swing my door and let out one foot, hearing nothing from Bellamy. I slowly turn to face him, watching him stare at me with a sparkle in his eye. I pout," What? Did I forget something? Is there something on my face?"

He looks away, a light laugh escaping his lips. He turns back to face me and leans forward to kiss me. The action surprises me, but I like it.

His free hand moves to the back of my neck as he deepens the kiss, our eyes both closed. I pull away, hearing voices outside. Random gardeners walk passed the car, and I blush, embarrassed.

Bellamy scoffs," Damn gardeners, mood killers."

I slap his knee," Don't distract me, mister. We have a house to decorate. If I haven't made it clear already, this is a big deal. My father turns 60."

He smiles," Trust me, you've made it very clear. I just love seeing you all controlling, it's really hot."

I roll my eyes, hopping out of my car.

My mother steps outside, her arms stretched out and a pretty smile across her face," My Clarke, my baby is home!"

I open the back car door, setting the box of party supplies onto the ground. I smile to my mom, Abby, walking over to her. We wrap our arms around each other, and I take a deep breath. She stares behind me, and I hear a quiet whisper," Who's this italian cutie?"

I laugh, mumbling," I don't believe he's italian, Mom, but this is Bellamy...a good, good friend of mine."

" You said good twice, dear," My mother smiles, confused.

Bellamy steps towards us, wearing a confident smile. He stretches out his hand and shakes Abby's hand. She forgets her previous comment and says hello.

She gives me a look, the he's-a-keeper kind of look. She hurries him inside, chatting his head off, and I'm left outside with the heavy tables and miscellaneous boxes. I groan to myself, starting with the first box and praying Abby isn't scaring Bell, too much.

Later that day, the party begins and all the guests show up. If I haven't mentioned before, it's my father's party, and he's a very popular man. Friendly and famous, I guess you could say.

I find him speaking with his friends from work, and I walk passed with my drink in hand," Okay, gentleman, this is a strict no-work related party," I joke.

My father smiles and chuckles quietly, he politely grabs my arm and kisses the top of my head," I'm enjoying my day, that's all that matters, right?"

I smile, he called it, his day. Something I use to call my birthdays when I was growing up, maybe I still do it, old habits die hard. " There's shrimp and fish in the dining room, hurry, it's going fast." I start to walk off, but my father holds me back.

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