New Videos (Part 2)

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" J: Hi guys Jenn here. Wait a minute Ricky what are you doing? R: Good point there Jenn what am I doing? ' Both laughing ' "

" J: Hi guys R: RICKY here MUHAHAHA. J: Ughh I should have known you would do this. R: I know right Jenn? J: Im gonna guess this video is gonna be our out takes. R: that might be true BUT I have never done out takes so lets do it. J: This is gonna be a long video! R: That is also true. J: Im gonna cry. R: No you arent. J: HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT?! R: Cause im right here. J: Good point."

" J: Hey guys Jenn here. R: ' Licking the icecream awkwardly' J: IM LAUGHING SO HARD RIGHT NOW! Lets just end our video! R: Good idea. Bye guyysss!

" J: Hi guys Jenn here with? Bex: FRIDAY OF COURSE! just joking IM REBECCA! J: BACK TO THE BEACH! Bex: OMG WHOS THE CRAZIEST I AM! J: Okay so we are gonna do Never have I ever. If you dont know this we will tell you. Okay so you hold up your 10 fingers and. Mhm andrew. A: Yeah? J: Tell them what you do. A: Okay i basically sit here on my A** and say never have I ever example: Never have I ever peed in my bed say Jenn did and she puts one finger down. And now she has 9 more questions basic I guess. J: Yeah cause all you get to do is sit on your lazy a**. A: im very offended MHM NOPE IM NOT. J: Of course you are not cause thats a compliment to you. J: Okay so 5 minutes passed we spent 2 talking BYE GUYS. "

" Sorry I wont do a long video guys. IM SOOOO BUSY its 6:00pm left at 12:00pm 3 hours went at both of their houses so its a gonna be a 3 minute video. Well lets start." " So today we are gonna well of course PRANK CALL MY MOTHER. Well lets get to the pranking ughh the awful ringing I hate. Hate is a strong word I know. Mom: Hello? J: Yeah mom? Mom: Yes sweetheart? J: Im ah promise me you wont be mad okay? Mom: Why what did you do? Tell me. I promise I wont. J: Okay. Im in the house and Arnd, me, Lauren, and Andrea played ouija board. And we brought a ghost in our house. Mom: OMG WHAT? Are you pranking me? Are you serious? J: Yes Im Serious. Mom: I dont believe you. J: Haha I knew you wouldnt its a prank for a video. Mom: F**k you Jenn i told you not to do that im really crying why the h*ll on earth would you do that? J: Im sorry mom I love you. Mom: I love you too but d*mn dont do that again. J: Okay love you mom bye. Okay guys bye stay tuned Rebecca and Ricky will be posted I mean New videos "

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