chapter three

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the game ends in a 1-1 draw, which when playing canada feels like a loss. it's mostly a quiet bus ride back for everyone, aside from the never old jokes about sydney scoring on her homeland in her homeland. kelley laughs quietly with her head pressed against the rattling bus window while looking out pensively at the passing cars. it's dark and the lights glare. she didn't even get to suit up tonight and acts like she isn't as bummed as she's letting on. the only person keen enough to be in tune to that is hope, who sits beside her despite the dozen other empty seats. she offers her hoodie for kelley to use as a pillow, which she takes and nuzzles her face into. it smells like her. had things not unfolded the way they did, hope would be resting her head on kelley's shoulder by now, probably playing with her hand or something, like they always did on long bus or train rides. instead, she sits stiffly, afraid to make any contact and every so often glances at kelley, who seems to be in her own little world.
despite that, things have gotten a little bit better- they're friendly again because they have to be, but they don't talk about what happened. whether it's because kelley is too chicken or hope just won't let her, they dance around it like it never happened. and kelley can't flirt with hope in the same way that she used to now that their friendship has crossed into this vague territory. there's a lot of tiptoeing on eggshells and kelley finds herself aching for hope in the most inappropriate of times. like during practices and group meals. even right now.

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