Chapter One (His POV)

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We have all at some point wondered who we would end up with for the rest of our lives. I always had this idea in my head that it was predetermined so no matter what I did it would be the same a soulmate is a soulmate forever after all. So needless to say I was pretty reckless when it came to mine. My life that is; what ever little bit I had anyway. And trust me when I say I wish I could do it all over again. Not that I don't love what happened but well I just wish it hadn't been this way. That I could have met HER under better circumstances. That she could see me. But then again she would probably be scared out of her mind at first. Cause you see I've finally met my soulmate. Only problem is I'm dead...and she's not. The thing is I had absolutely no clue it would be her. Maggie Ladoux My high schools : I should say my old high schools number 1. That's right the queen bitch at my old school turns out to be my soulmate. oh the irony. Not that every guy in our school hasn't wanted her in some way even a few girls. The thing was I had known Maggie since 5th grade and I had never once tried to get her attention. She noticed me anyway. As far as the chain of command goes I wasn't high up there but I wasn't an outcast either. I was on the swim team at my old school when I was alive. So was she and we talked a little at practice so I wasn't hated mainly cause I did something miss queen B did. At the time she swam because it was either that or volleyball since our school got rid of cheer and dance two years ago after three kids had accidents and were paralyzed. When she joined she hung around me only because I was the only one she knew and even that was because my mom and her dad had dated in middle school and stayed friends all through high school. It was a big surprise when she joined because none of the elite of our school had ever swum on the team before. She told me once that she did it because she wanted to be different. Well she got it that's for sure. The most suprising thing about being dead was probably the lack of the nothingness you expect. Some think there's going to be a bright light at the end of a tunnel or a long hallway with a door at the end. Or some even think of heaven and hell. I wasn't really anything. Not atheist , catholic , or Christian so I thought that when I died that would be it. Maybe a grand reset or something I guess. But when I died that was it I just died. I woke up or whatever you want to call it at my own funeral. On tv that's usually a big plot moment but for me it was kind of lame. Random people standing around looking sad while my family cried. But then I saw her. I couldn't believe she had even bothered to show. I mean we weren't really friends sure we talked and texted a bit but usually it was a congrats on a good meet or what time practice was. So to say I was shocked about sums it up. She looked genuinely sad I was gone. I sensed someone behind me. Figuring it to be a late comer or someone just chilling out in the park I didn't even glance back until someone cleared their throat. Out of habit I turned around. A bald guy in a men in black type suit was staring at me. I thought he was looking past me like most people so I went to turn back around until he said "Yes, I am looking AT you not through you. Young man your a long way from pickup aren't you?" Stunned , it took me a minute to even respond finally I managed to speak "What??" I stutterd. Great. Real cool of me. Now whoever this was is going to think I'm an idiot as well as dead. That's when it hit me. I'm dead how can He see me? Aren't I invisible like in the movies? The man sighed and took his hands out of his pockets and muttered under his breath "God, I hate special missions." Then he straightend and met me at eye level. "My name is Vladmire Eaton. I am your reaper. As I'm sure you've guessed by now your dead. I am here to help you." "If your here to help me does that mean I'm stuck or something?" I say not entirely convinced. He sighed. I've noticed he does that lot. After a moment of consideration He says "In a sense yes, and yet you are not that depends on you. I am a special forces reaper. You see once in a while a sap like you will pop up and one of us will have to come down and fix whatever has come up. You are still here because something is holding you back. It is my job to find out what." He pauses and then surprises me by saying. "would you like a piece of pie?" Next thing I knew I was sitting in an old timey dinner like the one my mom used to own we sold it two years ago after my sisters accident. "Where are we?" I ask bewilderd by the similaritys to my moms old place. "Don't you recognize it?" The reaper Vladmire asked as if it were important somehow. "Yeah, I guess it looks like my moms old dinner." I said. He smiled and nodded and said" Good because it is. A memory, One of your personal best in fact. This was two months before you sold it. Someone special came in that day remember?" I tried to remember I really did. But of course I couldn't until I heard the much missed sound of the bell over the door that went off when a new costumer came in. Then it clicked in my head and it was almost like a light popped on in my head. I looked at him and said "Its the day she came in isn't it." "You tell me." He said. All of a sudden I heard her . "Two sides of fries , a chicken sandwich with extra tomato and lettuce hold the mayo with a piece of cherry cream pie please." She told the cashier who smiled and gave her , her receipt and took her money and then handed her the piece of pie. As was store policy. I remember clearly now. This was one of my favorite days. Why or how had I forgotten it?? Ah well The reason it was one of my favorite days was because on this day she sat with me and we talked for 2 hours until practice. My heart still pounds at the memory although I'd never understood why. Maybe it was the way she smelled that day. She had always managed to change her smell whenever she wanted to. That day she smelled like strawberry and mint which went together surprisingly well. We talked about seemingly every thing from school , swim ,and pie. He mother was opening up a shop on the other side of town. She always used my moms old recipes though. Everyone thought she made the best in town and it seemed like Maggie had also gotten this talent. After the memory played out the scene faded and we were clearly back in the present. I looked at Vlad "So is there a reason we just relived one of my favorite memories of Maggie?"I asked him. We started walking along the park path away from my funeral. I noticed that it seemed like only seconds had passed. Maggie was sitting with my mom trying In a vain attempt to comfort her. Vlad finally answered saying "Haven't you noticed that wherever you go she is there? Or you see her and she waves and smiles? I'm not quit sure yet I'll have to do some investigating but I'm thinking I might have found out your problem. Haven't you ever dated anyone? Of course not you were to busy trying not to see her weren't you. I believe your issue is that you never knew love. Not at all at least not in that way. Don't you dare roll your eyes at me boy I'm a professional and trust me true love is a real issue. Hell people have been trapped for years over less. One man was stuck for seven years because his parents lied to him about Santa clause until he was fourteen," "No way!" I said. " the guy must have been crazy." "By the time we got him out he was. nearly faded out the poor fellow was." Vlad stopped talking for a while seemingly thinking. Suddenly He stopped and looked me over. Spun me around and everything. Then he looked me dead in the eye and smiled. Creepy thing to see really. But he smiled and said "I have an idea"

(( Hi!! thanks for reading the first chapter I'm not going to post more unless people comment and say they want more so I hope you like it!! I might post more in a week or two.)) :) :) :)

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