21 2 0

Me: oh my goodness this paper won't stick to this darn tape.

Me: hmmm oh I have a stapler!

Me: *spends 30 mins and staples still don't work right.*

Me: ........let me just open it up...*opens*
Oh...they are upside down.

Me: well I fixed it ^-^

Me: *staples paper* yay

Me: *picks up stapler* okay *walks 5 inches* GAHAHAHHAH *staple magically flies into finger*

Me: *Blood spews everywhere*

Mind: what if you spread it on your face and looked like a clown.....

Me: mind you are pretty fricked up.....

Me: God it hurts so bad

Mom:  why the crap is blood pouring down you head!  Oh my god you are dying child!

Me: *scratched head 1 second earlier*

Me: *points at finger*

Mom: oh......*grabs bandaid*

Me:  *sigh*


Random crapWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt