Story! (Mr fish goes to the store)

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Once upon a time there was a goldfish named MrFish. He was a happy fish. He swam to the side of his cage to his house and decided to go in. However in the process his 5 second memory span used up and he forgot that this was his home. Then he saw a rock (besides the fact his floor was made of rocks) he swam up to it and put it in his mouth, he spit it out because it was disgusting. Then he saw straight and ran into the glass. He stared at it for 5 seconds and then tried again. This continued for five minutes. Then a kid walked up and looked at MrFish. He smiled brightly and said "your retarded". Then he walked away. MrFish realized he needed to go grocery shopping so he swam towards the top of his cage and jumped out. He landed on the floor of the Walmart he was living in. He Flopped towards the cheese section because it was a kind of grocery. He forgot and began flipping towards the meat. Then a shopping cart came along and ran him over, she lady then stepped on him. He was in pain but soon forgot because of his memory span. He ran out of air and began to die. Then a kid walked up and popped the fish in his mouth, his spit revived MrFish! He put the fish back in the tank and he was okay! The next day the kid got salmonella from MrFish and was in the Hospital!!! MrFish also died from his shopping cart incident!

This is the new childhood classic!
MrFish Goes to the Store!

Now available for $1.99!
Plus $97.99 processing and handling

Random crapWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt