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Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out.

This is not helping!

I let out a shaky breath out from my mouth, then bit my bottom lips harshly; my heart was beating faster than rocket sciene. My chest rose and fell as I held my hand on chest afraid if I let go my heart would jumped out of my chest.

I could hear my own heart beating, and it was freaked me out more.

I tried to remember any happy memories because they said it would helped you to get you out of your panic attack-sadly, it doesn't.

You don't have any happy memories! My subconscious reasoned.

I laughed, a loud one.

My subconscious seriously knows how to entertain me I thought to my self again and found my self calmed down.

"Good job subconscious!" I muttered under my breath.

I glanced towards my surroundings, trying to figure out where I was; I sighed out in relief when I found my self was leaning against my house front door.

I didn't remember how I got here, but I just did. My feet seemed knew where to go when my mind was occupied.

"Jade! What are you doing ?" My mom's voice took me out of my thoughts. She had two bags in her hands which I figured out it was our groceries.

I gave her a small smile, pushing my self off of the comfortable wall "I lost my keys!" I easily lied.

She chuckled "Clumsy as ever!" She reached out her purse on the top of one of the bag but ended up falling both of the groceries.

I laughed "I know where my clumziness came from now!" I gathered our groceries that scattered everywhere.

She gasped, her hand clamped her mouth; her happy face turned to be a sad one. I frowned "What's wrong mom?"

I waited for her answer but she didn't open her mouth, instead she pointed her index finger towards my wrist. I glanced towards my wrist.

A huge purple bruise was all over my wrist.

I fought back tears that was threatening to fall "I don't feel it!" as soon as the sentence left my mouth my mom broke into a sob.

And there I was; stood still uncomfortabely, didn't know how to handle the situation.

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