Chapter 1- Fully-Colthed

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It had been seven and half years. But I remebered that day clearly as cristal, I remembered every single detail about that day like it was happened yesterday.

I was sitting on the bench at the park near my house, It had been the worst day of my life, it was my dad's funeral.

I was ten back then. Everyone hugged me tightly, whispering empty promises that everything will be okay.

I rememeber all those pities on their face. I hate that, because it made everything worse.

I cried for god-knows how long.

The sun had began to set as my aunty—Andrea, came over to me. I knew she was broken too, just like I did. I mean it was her brother funeral, the guy that always protected and loved her. Yet she still had a smile on her face, and it wasn't even a fake one.

"Come on Jade. Your mother is waiting for you!" she extended her hand as a cue for me to hold on her.

I shook my head furiosly and shouted "I don't want to go home"

She hugged me in respone, trying to calm me down. I thought it was her tight hug that had made me lost the air in my lungs—It wasn't.

I felt like drowning. I felt out of oxygen. I breathe in with my mouth, but that wasn't helping, If you saw me that day you'd thought I had asthma. I looked up to the sky and then the next thing I knew woke up at hospital.

I scanned the typical-white-room and then spotted my mother with the doctor was standing in the wide-opened door. They were talked loud enough for me to hear, but my head pounded so hard that I couldn't catch what they were talking about.

I wanted to call my mom, I opened my mouth but no voice came out. My throat, my hands, my neck , my face ware hurt really bad. It felt like I just got hit by a truck. Trust me, that wasn't an experience to have.

I looked to my sore arms and my eyes wide in schock when I saw my arms bruised. Why? I don't even know.

Since that day I spent almost all of my time at home, I don't attended public school too because too much people. It wasn't because I hate people but because my weird disease. When people touch me I'll be in so much pain, It felt like fire on my skin, it left large bruise after.

As I said it was weird disease, a couple of times I didn't feel the pain, but the bruise still showed, but more purple.

Sometimes when people caught me they thought I got abused. I laughed at the thought.

Sometimes I wonder why I deserve all of this; I missed all the times when I can kiss and hug my mom whenever I want. I missed human touch. But what can I do?

I had always been good girl why do I deserve this? I asked that to myself almost everyday, yet no one seemed to know the answer.

Sometimes, I just felt tired. I wanted to end all of my pain, but then again I'd be an ungrateful and selfish child to left alone my mother . She had been in so much pain, mentally. She went throught it all alone. When my father died, I didn't comfort her, I was too busy to cry myself to my weird disease. She didn't have any one to hold on to. How could I put her in the same situation again?

"She is crazy" One of bleach blonde haired girl whispered to her friends, but loud enough for me to hear it. I smirked at them and they response with disgusted look on their faces.

I couldn't blame them though; I was walking down the beach on the summer day in California fully-clothed. I just wanted to spent my summer days in piece but ended up getting weird stares from everyone.

I huffed.


"I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going" he said with a concern on his face. Me on the other hand was glancing towards his direction with sealed mouth. seeing my lack of response he grabbed my wrist and asked "Are you okay?"

Startled. I took three steps backwards. He was about to say something, but before it I've had run away from him.

I rubbed my wrist and where he had laid his large hand on it "I hate human touch!" I hissed under my breath.

"It was a stupid decision to take off my sweater!" I said angrily to myself.

My eyes widened in shock as I glanced to my wrist.

No bruises.

A large smile escaped my face and I kept it all the long way to my house. And my cheecks hurt because I was smiling too much, or it was just because I had been grumpy all the the time.


AN: I'm not living I California nor speak English fluently. So feel free to correct my mistakes which I knew it was a lot. lol.

I am more than happy if you do it. thank you


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