Chapter 4

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It had been two days since the A-Troupe hangout party, two days and the drama had only intensified. Michelle's confidence had only dropped more, Eldon seemed just as confused as everyone else, Daniel and Giselle were acting awkwardly around each other and Emily seemed way to happy about the whole situation, it's like she's in a world of her own. The only good thing about the whole issue is that Hunter and Amanda's date seemed as like it had gone extremely well, they hardly ever left each other's sides. Riley was thinking this as she stretched beside Chloe. Nationals would come around so fast and by the looks of things, they wouldn't even be close to ready. This drama needs to be solved. Miss Kate came out and the room fell quiet, "Nationals requires a duet, a male and female solo and a small group. So we will be holding auditions for you all to compete for one of these spots. Remember this is nationals so bring your best stuff." A murmur went around the room as everyone began to discuss what they will be trying out for, Miss Kate walked backed into her office calling Michelle to come with her. Michelle sat in the chair across from Miss Kate looking slightly nervous as she wondered what she was needed for. "Michelle, please tell me you're trying out for the female soloist" Kate looked at her hopefully, Michelle shrugged her shoulders "I'm not so sure miss Kate I mean I'm sure someone else would be amazing at it. I'm just not feeling it right now." A sigh came from Kate, "Michelle I know times are tough but you're a dancer, miss national soloist remember? I know that with you competing our team will be so much stronger." Michelle sighed as she stood up from her chair "Okay ill audition. Thanks miss Kate." The young blonde left the office feeling a little more confident in herself.

James walked up behind his girlfriend, slowly and gently wrapping his arms around her waist "I was thinking" he whispers in her ear leaning down kissing her cheek lightly "That we should audition for the duet." Riley blushed the same way she always did when James was around, "Sounds good to me" James smiled letting her go so he could write their names on the signup sheet, "Meet me in the music room tonight so we can practice k" he called back before walking over to west and Eldon. Riley smiled to herself as she headed down to culture shock with Chloe, "Chloe I still think you should audition for something." Chloe bit her lip softly "I might try for female soloist but honestly I'm not so sure if I should." "Chloe! You should totally audition!" Riley exclaimed happily, Chloe shrugged ordering a juice "I guess I could give it a try.." she added trailing off. Riley patted her best friends back "You will be amazing chlo" she smiled grabbing her juice. "Gooooooo now" The brunette laughed gently pushing her friend back towards the studio. Chloe laughed and walked back to sign herself up. Walking into the studio she saw Michelle signing her name, 'Now that's some competition' she thought to herself.

Eldon glanced across at the signup sheet. He knew deep down that the only dance he wanted was the duet, no not with Emily, but with Michelle. All this drama was his fault. He knew that was the truth, he also knew that everyone else was thinking it. He saw Emily enter the studio from the corner of his eye. Eldon shook his head mumbling to himself and went back to stretching like nothing was wrong. Less than a minute later he felt a soft kiss on his cheek and he immediately knew it was Emily. 'Oh boy' he thought to himself before facing her with a fake smile plastered across his face, "Oh hey Em.. I didn't see you there" Emily smiled obviously not noticing the sadness behind Eldon's words. "Well I thought that since we're now a couple again, we could audition for the duet at nationals" Eldon ran a hand through his hair sighing, "Ummmmm you know what? I actually think I'm going to try for the solo spot. Maybe next time." He quickly walked over to the signup sheet without a single glance back. Emily stared after him curiously not fully understanding what was going on with him, but she shrugged it off and headed over to her cubby hole planning on heading down to culture shock before she went home.

Hunter walked into the studio to grab his bag when he noticed Emily and Eldon over by the bars. He looked away quickly not being able to fully contain the jealousy that was turning his stomach. Yes his date with Amanda went well, amazingly well if he was being honest. Yet he didn't feel the same feelings that he felt for Emily. He leant his head gently against the wall thinking to himself for a second trying to collect his thoughts. Once he looked up again he saw that Emily was only a few feet away, he wanted nothing more than to be able to just walk over to her and kiss her, but he knew he couldn't. He couldn't do that to Amanda, even if he wasn't in love with her. Quickly without seconds thought he grabbed his bag, turned around and walked away as fast as he possibly could. Once outside the building he leant his back against the wall and sighed in relief. 'The fresh air will do me good' he thought to himself as he began his walk home.

Amanda picked her phone up on the third ring. She knew who was on the other end and she also knew what the conversation was going to be about. "Hey Lucien..." She trailed off her mind focusing on something else. "Amanda, how's the plan going?" Lucien asked anxiously. "Look Lucien, Miss Kate is coming over here I really have to go. I'll update you later" Amanda lied before quickly hanging up. At the start of the season she would have done anything to bring A-Troupe down but now she wasn't so sure that's what she wanted. Yes, she was still captain at elite but she loved it here. She felt like she was actually starting to fit in and she couldn't just pretend her feelings for Hunter were fake, he was an amazing guy and she couldn't bear to hurt him. She stood up and walked away. She would no longer find ways to sabotage the studio; instead she will help them win nationals. Her mind was made up, no matter how furious it would make Elite.

Miss Kate sighed loudly as she collapsed into her office chair, nationals were only a few months away and already the team was falling apart. This time it didn't seem like it would be as easy as letting the kids to fix it on their own like before regionals. This time the drama seemed to have multiplied and she knew that she wouldn't let it go unnoticed. Dance may break a team apart, but somehow it always brings everyone back together. That's just dance. 

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