Chapter 5

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First was solo auditions, then duet, then small group. No one wanted the solo spot more than Daniel and no one deserved it more than him. Well at least that's what he thought. He had arrived at the studio earlier than everyone else, determined to let nothing stop him from winning this time. Over the last few months his dancing had improved a lot since his ankle injury that had put him out of dance. The only other guy auditioning for the solo spot was Eldon and lately Eldon's dancing had gone from WOW to alright, so he was no competition. Or at least that's the kind of thoughts that were going through Daniels head as he began practicing his solo piece. Any little mistake he made was crucial, everything and anything he did had to be absolutely perfect. He lost himself in the dance not noticing his orange haired friend who had just entered the studio. Giselle sat herself down on the bench with a small admiring smile on her face. Daniel was one of the most talented people she knew and she knew he deserved the solo spot, but she also knew that Eldon wasn't going to be an easy competitor. Oh well she knew Daniel could win and she had absolute faith in him. The music stopped and Daniel walked over taking a seat beside her, "Hey Ellie" he said with a soft smile. Giselle had been his best friend for as long as he could remember and if he was being honest then she was the only person he felt completely comfortable around. Giselle smiled back at him and he instantly smiled wider not being able to help himself. He loved her smile. "Hey Danny, that was great by the way" she hugged him gently, "Thanks. I really want this solo. More than anything" he smiled looking down at his hands, suddenly feeling the nerves again. Giselle looked at him sympathetically before carefully sliding her hand into his, "You deserve it Dan. I know you're going to get it. I believe in you." He continued looking down at their hands, intertwining his fingers with hers, suddenly feeling much more confident.

Michelle walked into the studio a few minutes after everyone else had arrived. Lately her mind just wasn't in the right place so showing up to dance on time really was the least of her worries, last night she walked around the blocks for so long that even her parents had begun to worry about her. The fact that Eldon had cheated on her was what hurt so much, seeing him with Emily made it worse and the fact that she had to fact that she had to see them every day broke her. She softly smiled looking around the room just as Miss Kate and phoebe exited the office. "We will have the solo auditions first and then move onto duets, tomorrow it will be small groups and then we can get working on our national pieces." Miss Kate said stepping aside, followed by phoebe, "First we will have Chloe" A number of cheers of encouragement went around the room as Chloe took her starting position.

The music began and Chloe began her dance. She was up against Michelle and she didn't expect that to be easy considering Mitchie is Miss National soloist, but a little bit of friendly competition never hurt. She danced to her hearts content, making no mistakes. As the music slowed down she came to the end of her dance, smiling to herself feeling proud. A round of applause went around the room and her smile widened as she moved to the side receiving hugs from both Michelle and Riley. She tried her best and that's all that matters. At least now, she thought, she had the confidence to believe she was good enough. Taking a seat on the bench she turned her attention back to the centre of the room as Michelle positioned herself.

Eldon looked down as Michelle started dancing. He couldn't face it anymore, she was everything to him. He wanted nothing more than to dance with her. They worked so well together and he missed that. Turning his back he faced the wall and continued to stretch. He couldn't help but feel upset and angry at himself about how he let himself screw up this badly.

Michelle danced, losing herself in the music. Letting out all her emotion into the way she moved. Turning all her thoughts from the drama and towards her dance. Her moment to shine, her way of feeling slightly happy again. Dance was her only escape. As she came to the end she smiled proudly, not showing the slightest bit of sadness.

Eldon watched Daniel dance. As usual he was amazing, almost flawless. He was beginning to feel slightly intimidated by him, although he would never let anyone else know that. Everyone was

always telling him that he was the best dancer in the studio but lately he was starting to feel like that was less and less true.

Miss Kate had made her choice. Michelle was by far the best candidate for the female solo but it was a tough decision between Eldon and Daniel. They were both amazing but her heart was saying Eldon's the right choice. Eldon and Michelle, the two best dancers that helped us win regionals with their amazing duet. It wasn't her job to get involved with the kids' lives unless they ask for it, but she could definitely tell that drama had gone down at The Next Step since regionals. The road to nationals had only just begun, she couldn't let the team fall apart yet.

Kate came out of her office, with the clipboard in hand and a smile on her face. Chloe looked over at Michelle quickly, smiling warmly at her. She had no idea if her solo was good enough to beat Michelle's but what she did know was that she had never danced that hard and passionate before. "It was a very hard choice to make. All of you were astounding, well done, but the choice has been made. The female and male soloist will be... Michelle and Eldon" Everyone clapped, congratulating them. Chloe walked over to Michelle and gave her a tight hug, even if she didn't get the solo spot she was happy that she had at least tried and had given it her complete all.

When Daniel heard that Eldon had received the solo spot and not him, he left. As quick as he could. Eldon wasn't the best dancer, even though that's what everyone always seemed to think. He walked out onto the street, his fists clenched by his sides and a quivering scowl on his face, he was tired of being under appreciated. He was going to find a way to get what he deserved. He won't stop until he does.

Hunter walked into studio B and saw Michelle dancing. He leant against the door frame watching her, he had always admired the way she moved. Even now, as she danced, he could see the sadness on her face. They had known each other since they were little kids and ever since that first day at the studio back in Wisconsin, dance had always bought a smile to her face. Except now. She had been pushing him, along with everyone else, away and it honestly didn't feel right not having his best friend around. As she finished, he walked over to her pulling her into a tight embrace. She willingly hugged back, letting the tears trickle down her face. "Michelle... talk to me, you know I hate to see you hurt this way..." he spoke to the blonde in a soft and sympathetic voice. In response Michelle wiped her eyes and smiled lightly rising to her feet "I have to go. I'm meeting the girls at the mall" and with that she walked out. He could tell the smile was fake, the sadness was still way to obvious but he let her go. Making up his mind to talk to her later.

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