♔.Chapter 6

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Ahjussi led you through the SM building. It was very busy inside with all the stylists, trainees, managers, and various of other people rushing around in all kinds of directions.

You entered the grand foyer and looked up.

"WOW! DAEBAK!" you exclaimed.

There were large posters of various SM artists hanging from the ceiling.  The one of shirtless Siwon from the Mr. Simple album in particular caught your attention.

*What I would do to see those abs in real life!* you thought as a sly smirk crossed your face. You quietly giggled to yourself.

"Whatcha laughing at?" Ahjussi asked.  He followed your eyes to the Mr. Simple poster.

"Ah, I can see we have ourselves a pervert here."

"I'm not a pervert Ahjussi," you pouted. "Just a simple girl who appreciates a good looking man. A VERY good looking man".

Ahjussi looked at you and both of you laughed.

"What do you think about those guys then?" Ahjussi pointed to the left at two posters, one of EXO-M and EXO-K. The twelve guys were dressed up in various outfits of grey, blue, and black with metallic accessories.

"I know most people say others look better in real life then in print, but I think I like them better in the poster.  They can't insult me there," you chuckled.  Ahjussi laughed at your joke.

"I'm sorry about what happened outside Hana. They really are good people.  They're just a bit . . . well . . .umm . . .shy? No, that's not the word I'm looking for. Umm. Closed off. Yeah. Closed off. They haven't really learned how to talk to others outside their little group yet.  I'm sure they'll open up once they debut," Ahjussi said with a smile.

*Don't defend them Ahjussi. They're just a bunch of buttholes.* You nodded your head at Ahjussi words with a little smile as if you really have accepted his words.

*Really, what kind of guys hit a girl and then don't offer to help her up? I bet they would have hid my body if they found out that they killed me!*

You continued to follow Ahjussi as he lead you to a room just left of the foyer. NURSE'S ROOM was written on a frame of the door.

"Let's clean you up and then I'll drive you back to the hotel. Maybe grab some food at the hotel restaurant? I think we've both had enough excitement for today". You nodded you head yes in reply.

*Definitely enough excitement for today. Tomorrow will be different though. Tomorrow's the start of a great year!*

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