Sticker note

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When we arrived at havenfield to meet a smiling Biana and a very unhappy dex.why are they here he grumbled . Can we just hangout for one day? Sophie said in her impossibly sweet voice. Fffiiiiiinnnnee he stretched and eyed fitz, who was busy ripping a sticker off from her desk and studing it.


A sticker? 

A STICKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I never stick stickers on my desk, Sophie thought. 

She doubted Elves knew how to make them. 

As she stumbled to fitz, dex dashed out of her room and leaped away before Biana failed to grab him. I wonder what that was about. Keefe said. Any way, fitz thinks this is for you. With that he whipped the sticker to Sophie and she almost missed catching it. It was surprisingly heavy and not sticky at all. It's called a notepad magnet, Biana explained. It records everything the owner writes ,and you can read it by taping its side. It works like magnets, but bends.

Wow ,Sophie said, and I thought humans were complicated. Whatever ! Fitz shouted,let's who this belongs to. Keefe taped the note magnet's sides. The black screen was surprisingly big as ti showed: 

This belongs to Dexter Dizznee.

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