Oh no...

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(Pic of Nora and her two brothers and dad is above 👆🏽)
Nora's PoV
I woke up feeling horrible... My head was sweating and my stomach was churning. I sat for a couple of minutes on my bed trying to control my stomach but eventually the sickness took over...
I sprinted into my bathroom and made it just in time...
I was still being sick when I heard Zach, my brother run in.
' wow! Nora are you okay?!' Zach said holding my hair back.
'I'm... Okay...' I said in between being sick.
' when your done I'm going telling dad... There's no way your going in school today...' Said Zach rubbing my back
' no no... It's okay it'll be fine in a minute...' I said kinda knowing what was wrong.
' Nora! You've literally just puked up the Pacific Ocean! You can't tell me that you will be fine in a minute!' He said laughing.
'No Zach really it's happened before...' I said nearly in tears.
' what?! When?! Aww Nora don't cry come here...' He said sitting me on his knee on the floor in the bathroom.
' Zach??' I said between sobs.
'Yes?' He said still stroking my hair.
'I know why I've been being sick...' I said again through sobs
'Why chick??' Said Zach softly
'Because I think....' I said not able to finish the sentence.
'Go on...' Zach said soothingly
' I think I'm pregnant!' I blurted out
Zach just sat there in shock for a minute.
'HOW CAN YOU BE PREGNANT?! YOU HAVENT EVEN HAD SEX... WAIT A MINUTE... WHO WITH?!' Zach said anger building up inside him, he he batted me off his leg and stood up pacing around my room.
'Just listen okay?!' I said trying to shout but failing as the tears just kept coming.
'Okay.... A few months ago I met this guy called jake... We became really close... We would text all the time... I would go round to his house to chill... And we would constantly be together... And then one day about 2 weeks ago he invited me round to his and said that we could have a movie day... I thought that a movie day would be fun because I had only just stopped my period and still had a few cramps... So I thought this would take my mind off them... Anyway, when I got to his house he invited me in and put on a Horror film which he knows I don't like... But I sat there scared to death and really close to him... But he started touching me... And then he started to kiss me and I didn't know what to do... I tried throwing him off And hitting him and he still wouldn't get off... And then he started to have sex with me... And I tried to hit him off and scream... But he was to strong and hit me back and no one was in the house...' I said still sobbing
' so I went back home and carried on as normal and didn't tell anyone about what happened because I was afraid of what they might say... Then everyday some that day I have been being sick in the mornings...' I said finishing the story. Zach just came over to me on the bed and hugged me really tight.
'Nora... I don't know what to say... I'm so sorry I shouted... You should have told me!' Said Zach soothingly.
I couldn't even reply I was crying that hard...
Zach eventually loosened his grip and turned me so that I was facing him...
' we need to find out for sure if you are...' He said
' so how about I go tell dad that you have been really sick and I think I've caught it so that we can stay off... Then I will run out and get you a pregnancy test and then we will know for sure?' He said anxiously.
'Sounds good' I say smiling a little for the first time today.
He replied with a smile back...

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