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[An Au actually that i thought of while watching a movie with my girlfriend. Remus is a very bright, yet loner,  boy who lives among other orphans at Hogwarts; a rather small house for young children who lost their parents or simply were abandoned and found out on the freezing cold. There, they study and learn the basics while each can be taught a different skill depending on their likes and wants. Remus Lupin, however has a very wide fantasy and comes up with stories of all shorts...until he meets one day a boy that will change the way he sees life completely. But is it the boy that fascinates him, or maybe the friendly stray dog that happens to find shelter under the bed of young Remus?

 I hope that you will enjoy this story. As always, comments are always welcomed.]

It was snowing once again.
A lovely winter that was. Remus stood next to the window, holding his leather notebook tightly in his arms and sighed in satisfaction. Watching the snow flakes falling from up above and landing on the cold ground was a moment of peace that he was asking. The classes for a week would be canceled since Christmas was on the way and all the kids wanted to play and spend some fun time. But not him. He would be pleased enough to stay in his room, with a hot cup of tea, some crunchy cookies that were given to him one morning as breakfast and just gaze – gaze outside and get lost within his thoughts; think of his dreams; think of what awaits him out of that old house. Sometimes he would snuggle within the covers of his bed, wearing his one and only dark green jumper and study an old book about the world; its myths and legends; about all of those things that he might never know yet they manage to promise him a better tomorrow. 

  As for friends... Remus was not that talkative and even though the kids were trying to get near him; learn more about him and even become close; he was just turning his back, returning to that corner of his where he was safe from everyone. He didn't like it when he was in crowded rooms and especially during dinner or breakfast... he was usually eating alone and at some point everyone stopped bothering that much. To them Remus Lupin was nothing but the lonely boy of room 203; in love with his books and notes and never able for something far more interesting other than studying or writing.

There was one day; autumn if he remembered quite well, and the young boy was sitting underneath the Old Oak, behind the House. It provided him shade, protection from the sun and a good amount of light to read without anyone bugging him. It was such a quiet day until...until four boys, larger than he was, taller than him and much stronger got in front of him and grabbed his beloved notebook. Remus stood up and demanded to have his item back. The boys simply laughed at his face and pushed him hard against the trunk of the tree. The young one sighed heavily as a strong shot of pain on his shoulder shook his entire body. He wasn;t used to pain; he despised pain. He despised everything that were to cause pain and misfortune.

"Look at that freak!" one of them yelled and the rest simply laughed loudly.

He was no freak...that word...that word was bringing tears to his eyes...why were they so cruel to him? He had never harmed them or bothered them.
"Seems like the cat ate his tongue...." One commented still laughing while the one who seemed to be their leader looked at Remus with great curiosity.
"What do you say guys? Let's see if he has a tongue after all..." they cracked their knuckles and sneakered . Remus simply tilted his head to the side, ready to take each of the hit. There was no point on calling for help. No one would answer. Everyone were to the other side of the yard, playing a rather bizarre game with the balls. Who would give a damn to go and save a kid? And it was not his fault.. Not my fault, he kept on thinking as one punch landed on his right cheek. Truth was that he had several marks across his face; marks that looked like really bad scars caused from claws. Three of them to be exact and they all begun from the right temple and went all the way across to the left side of his chin. He hated them himself but he couldn't do anything about them; he couldn't erase them; he had to live with them. Another punch and this time on his stomach. The boy folded himself and fell on his knees, coughing hard and with his teary eyes pierced on the ground. Taking a breath seemed so difficult at this point.
 "What about another one, hm?" the blonde one stepped forward and looked at the masculine boy with a grin upon his face. Remus didn't dare to look up. He knew that voice. He despised that voice so much...

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