Chapter 9

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Just a heads up that this is a violent chapter, I could not change it to make it more 'censored'  because I already written it before I realized the violence was a bit heavy. So for those who are a bit queezy with the violence, this is your warning. Thank you for reading, here is Chapter 9. 

This has to be one of the most craziest nights I have ever had with Brooklyn and for once it wasn't awkward or filled with paranoia, no one to worry about and time didn't matter. We laid back on my horribly made bed and pillows as I extended my arm for her to lay on as we passed the joint back and forth while we gazed at the stars watching our every move. "I'm sorry.." I heard Brooklyn whisper as I looked at her as she kept looking at the stars. "I'm sorry for what I said earlier today..." She paused as I watched her eyes search the sky for the rest of her confession, "I know you're trying.. I mean I get it that it's hard to watch over someone you care about when the whole world is constantly on your shoulders," she looked at me and smiled, "but I'm a big girl and I don't want to hold anyone back. If someone doesn't like me, it shouldn't be anyone else's problem but my own."

I shook my head, I had to cut her off, "But what you don't understand is that because I am your friend, I care, your friends care, we are apart of your life as you are in ours. I'm not gonna sit back and let shit ride badly for you and make your entire high school experience hell. I will not allow it. Even after school, I'll always be there for you.." I watched her eye sparkle. The moonlight was calling our attention but never heard a sound as it spilled over our faces, our desire was what's calling, dancing across my tongue, "I loov- uhh.." Wait!

She looked at me weird, "What?"

I quickly took the last hit before tossing the roach, 'Okay Bruno think, think, think... What sounds like loovuuhh... Fuck that sounds like lover..' I blew out the smoke as I looked out into the nights sky, the stars were burning brighter than I last seen them, "Our friendship really means a lot to me." I swallowed hard, 'I'm kicking myself, mentally kicking myself..' The words that I just spoken kept repeating in my head. The awkward silence, fuck no, this night was going so well! "You want some water?" She smile and nodded. I nodded back before jumping up and grabbing a couple of bottles in my school bag.

I walked back to where she was, as I handed her the cool bottle. We both sat up sipping our water and looking out into the distance. "It's beautiful." I looked at the ocean in the distance. "How long do you think it'll take us to get there?" She looked at me and smiled.

My eyes widened, "You wanna go to the beach?"

She raised an eyebrow at me and gave me a sly smile, "Yeah. I do." In no time we're in my jeep again, I knew a perfect spot to take her and it was private. We drove a mile down the road and down a narrow dirt pathway. "You've been here before?"

I shrugged, "A few times. With family and.." Don't you do it Bruno, "Friends."

She nodded as she looked out into the pitch pack road with my headlights leading our paths before I heard her snicker, "I know you've brought Caroline our here before."

My stomach jumped to my throat, "Who said that I did?" I questioned.

She shrugged, "Sometime last month in the girls bathroom... Caroline was being Caroline and talking extra loud while doing her makeup." She sighed, "Talking about how you two had the most romantic night at this secret beach you knew about and went into details.." She shook her head, "Things I didn't need to hear."

"She seen you and started saying those things?"

Brooklyn laughed, "No. If she seen me alone in the restroom, I probably wouldn't be here." I looked at her before looking back at the road. I seen her gaze at me before looking back out the window, "As soon as I heard her voice coming closer to the bathroom, I just ran in one of the stalls and kept quiet till she was gone.

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