Chapter 12

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It's been hard trying to concentrate on any work today. I keep daydreaming even in my favorite classes, in art I've been staring at the same blank sheet of parchment paper with a pencil in my hand while tapping the tip against the blank sheet leaving tiny marks behind. "Magoonz's dick running wild in your mind?" I rolled my eyes at Elizah.

"No." I shook my head. As obvious as it was I couldn't put this into words. When I thought about it, I could only feel fear. "Something happened this weekend." I confess.

I watched Elizah concentrating on her shading, pursing her lips before answering me as she finishes the last touch, giving me her undivided attention, "What's up buttercup?"

I took a deep breath, "Caroline came to my house Sunday night."

Elizahs pencil's tip snapped before snapping her head up at me, "Say what?"

I widened my eyes as I looked into Elizah's, "Caroline. Davis. Came. To. My. House. Sunday night."

"What the fuck did-"

"Watch your mouth Elizah!" Mrs. Labuda warned.

Elizah rolled her eyes at our art teacher before looking at me, "Anyway.. What did she want?"

I waited for Mrs. Labuda to walk away, "She apologized to me.." Elizah's eyes became huge as I continued, "She apologized for everything..." I felt like throwing up just saying those words..

Elizah snickered, "Can she kiss my ass?" She shook her head, "How the hell do you apologize for throwing you in front of a moving car, having you jumped in the library all those times, on the playground all those times, sending you to detention dozens of times for things you never did, stealing your homework and burning it, cutting holes in your clothes during gym, tripping you during our mile runs, trying to fight you on the bus for years, jumping you in the locker room, outside the bus, almost dropping you two stories to your death..!!!" Elizah was becoming pissed off, "Let me find the bitch. I would love to hear her apologize just so I can punch her in the goddamn face."

I shrugged, "She said some horrible things to Bruno on Saturday too, pretty much saying he was never gonna get anywhere with his music."

"What about the other two sluts?" Elizah searched the room for Mrs. Labuda. "Olivia and Ashley? They haven't been around lately."

I didn't want to upset Elizah anymore than I already have, I lie about seeing Olivia hanging all over Ryan earlier this morning, even though he wasn't giving her the attention, I know it would piss her off. "She hasn't been around." I sigh, "But I recently found out that Ashley and Jeremy might have a thing.." I was kinda relieved when I heard about it.

"They're gonna give each other herpes." Elizah snickered.

I sit back in my chair, hoping that what I seen this morning wasn't what I though this morning. The bell rings and we rush out of class to our fourth period and my favorite, choir class. Bruno didn't take this class this semester because he needed a gym credit and switching was going to make it where we never see each other. At lease the classes not that far from each other so we end up seeing each other before we leave home. The last bell rings and we're finishing up Simon and Garfunkle "Bridge Over Troubled Water" before we gather our things to leave. "You ready to party it up?" Nick nudges me.

I shrugged just thinking about seeing Bruno later, made me excited, but my mom has this weekend off for the first time in months so there's a chance I might not see anyone. "I might spend this weekend with my mom."

"Mrs. Sanchez has a weekend off?" He was surprised.

I nodded, "How many times do I have to tell you that she's not 'Mrs. Sanchez' anymore? Like forever ago her and my dads divorce was final."

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